Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov
06.02.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

South Africa is preparing for retaliatory measures from Western regimes meant to punish one of Africa’s leading powers and a BRICS member for launching an international legal prosecution against the Zionist regime. The South African leadership, however, believes in the country’s ability to resist these Western actions. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has warned…

26.01.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

Long-promoted Western ideas and theses are now openly rejected by the world majority. To the West’s dismay, Western countries today openly acknowledge these facts, raising fears among the leaders and their associates within the Western world minority. Many pseudo-experts and so-called Western “intellectuals” associated with the pro-NATO establishment are beginning to openly talk about ongoing processes…

21.01.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

A number of prominent voices, now including those in the West, are beginning to openly say that not only has the time of Western minority dominance over world affairs come to an end, but that the Western system as a whole is collapsing, with all its consequences. All this confirms the thesis that the future system of international relations implies not only the final establishment of a multipolar world order, but also a post-Western international order. Emmanuel Todd, a well-known French historian, sociologist, social anthropologist, writer and journalist, who once predicted the collapse of the USSR in 1976…

17.01.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The dominance of the West in international relations is coming to an end not only geopolitically, but also in terms of geoeconomics. Despite the loud declarations of Western elites and attempts to slow down this process by all means, everything indicates that the share of the Western minority in international economic relations will continue on a downward path…

11.01.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

Over time, the future relationship between the Global South, including African countries, and the Western world minority represented by the respective regimes is becoming increasingly clear-cut. And it should be noted that these relations are heavily stacked against the latter. The most interesting thing is that the collective West seems incapable of understanding what repercussions their absurd actions will entail and keeps making one strategic mistake after another, thereby again stepping on the same rake due to its arrogance. In the first days of 2024, the Swedish regime, still struggling to formally join NATO…

27.12.2023 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The successful movement forward of the main forces in the multipolar world, a de facto split between the West and the Global South, the ineffectiveness of sanctions pressure on truly sovereign countries, a growing push away from key elements of Western dominance and simply a massive global rejection of Western policies proved to be the most significant events of the outgoing year. 2023 is about to end. Although the outgoing year can hardly be called easy, it unconditionally ended in favor of supporters of a multipolar world order, causing irritation among those nostalgic for the bygone unipolar era. Overall, despite the collective West continuing to remain an extremely negative and destabilizing…

20.12.2023 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

Despite the strong strengthening of the position of non-Western powers in relations with the African continent, the West continues to insist that it is, collectively, Africa’s main economic partner. But statistics is a delicate matter. And in fact, BRICS is already the largest trade and economic partner of African states. For many years now, China, as a separate state, has been considered Africa’s main trade and economic partner. At the same time, the Western establishment does not lose the opportunity to oppose this reality with all its might and impose the view that it is the West, more precisely the European Union…

13.12.2023 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

No matter how nostalgic for the unipolar era the forces represented by Western regimes try to divide the supporters and promoters of the modern multipolar world order, everything indicates that these Western initiatives have failed. These tendencies are clearly visible in different regions of the world. Over the past few years, one of the main goals of the Western establishment has been to introduce, if not discord, then at least dividing lines between the main forces supporting a multipolar world, primarily Russia and China, as well as all those countries of the Global South that are also…

06.12.2023 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

Today’s developments on the African continent, in particular in some Sahel countries, run completely counter to the plans that Western regimes have long nurtured both for the region itself and for the entire continent. These processes, including those aimed at increasing economic independence, are very encouraging for Africans, but they also call on supporters of a sovereign Africa to be vigilant against the destabilizing actions taken by forces nostalgic for unipolar, Western-oriented world order. The Alliance of Sahel States (Alliance des Etats du Sahel, AES), currently consisting of Mali…

25.11.2023 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

Relations between Russia and the African nations are more important now than they have ever been. In the upcoming years, this direction is expected to gain even more significance. Although the development of truly cordial relations between Russia and Africa is still ongoing, how do you get to ensure that this interaction has a truly strong added value? Russia’s connections with Africa have long-standing and important foundations in a wide range of areas. Naturally, military and technological cooperation are among them. This field of activity is more relevant and efficient today than ever before…

21.11.2023 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The very recent liberation of the key Malian town of Kidal – and in a much shorter time than some experts had anticipated – came as a real shock to all neo-colonial forces in the West and opponents of the African-Russian alliance. Two key areas were recently analysed – the fact that the West is very reluctant to believe in the military successes of African countries (without the participation of Western forces), although it still has to, and that the current French and Western information attacks against Mali and a number…

14.11.2023 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

While the national army of Mali continues its offensive against terrorist and armed groups in territories that the central authorities have ceased to control for many years now, thereby tackling the issue of the country’s security and territorial integrity, Western propaganda tools are back to their old ways. Even though neither the African countries themselves nor other world regions no longer trust the methods used by the latter. All this is quite as expected. After the blow dealt to France and other Western regimes, former colonial powers, both in Mali and in other…