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Putin’s visit to North Korea and Vietnam: context and implications

Mohamed Lamine KABA, June 25

Putin's visit to North Korea and Vietnam: context and implications

Characterized by Vladimir Putin’s official visits to various countries of the multipolar world, the year 2024 seems decisive in the expansion of the sphere of influence of the BRICS Alliance. While multipolarism is skyrocketing, the end of unbridled unipolarism is confirmed on the global political scene.


Vladimir Putin’s recent strategic movements, including his official visits to North Korea, Vietnam and many others in 2024, are part of the logic of the major changes underway in global dynamics. These visits mark a turning point in the expansion of the influence of the BRICS Alliance and signal a decline in unipolarism, thereby strengthening multipolarism on the world stage. Putin’s first visit to North Korea in 24 years, on June 18 and 19, 2024, comes in a context of heightened tensions with the United States and international sanctions linked to the North’s-Korean nuclear program. Russia, seeking to expand the sphere of influence of the multipolar BRICS Alliance and to criticize these sanctions, appears as a potential mediator to ease regional tensions. With the Western minority, no longer deciding anything in the management of world affairs, the implications of this visit for regional stability and global relations are considerable. The actions of the President of the Russian Federation are part of this logic of pacification of multipolar international relations. The historic visit of the master of the Kremlin who, moreover, is certainly the master of the world, to Vietnam, on June 19 and 20, 2024, underlines the importance of the centuries-old ties between the two nations and their desire to strengthen cooperation in defense , regional policy and economic development. This visit, which follows that to North Korea, could have significant repercussions on the geopolitical balances in the Asia-Pacific and beyond, in particular because of the close relations between Russia and China. This geostrategic analysis provides a clear understanding of the immediate benefits and long-term challenges associated with these events, essential for decision-makers in the multipolar world facing these international complexities. The world majority thus celebrates the end of the unipolarist West and the emergence of the new multipolar world order that we have well documented in a separate article.

Context and geopolitical and geostrategic implications of Vladimir Putin’s visit to North Korea

The apprehension of geopolitics and international dynamics is of interest, which is reflected in the analysis of Vladimir Putin’s recent visit to North Korea. This visit, which took place on June 18 and 19, 2024, marks a pivotal moment in the geopolitical context of East Asia. It represents Putin’s first visit to North Korea in 24 years as Russian president, underscoring the importance of this diplomatic event. This article deciphers the issues at stake in this meeting, particularly in a context where tensions between North Korea and the United States, exacerbated by Pyongyang’s nuclear missile tests, have led to unjust international sanctions. Russia, seeking to expand the sphere of influence of multipolarism in the region while criticizing these sanctions, is positioning itself as a key player. The goals of Putin’s visit, such as strengthening diplomatic ties and promoting economic cooperation, demonstrate his mediation strategy aimed at easing regional tensions. The move could signal Russia’s rise as an influential force in East Asia. As noted above, the impact of this visit on global relations is considerable. A possible detente between North Korea and the multipolar international community could emerge, thereby reducing tensions. Russia’s continued support for North Korea’s nuclear program panics Westerners, who see multipolarism as evil because it opposes the West’s unipolar vision. The effects on Russian-US relations, as well as with other regional powers such as China and Japan, deserve careful attention. The scope of Putin’s visit to North Korea is therefore significant, with major potential consequences for regional and global stability.

Context and geopolitical and geostrategic implications of Vladimir Putin’s visit to Vietnam

It is important to focus on the historic visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Vietnam on June 19 and 20, 2024 to understand the degree of fragility of the relations that link this country to the United States. This visit, following his trip to North Korea, is of capital importance because of the centuries-old ties uniting Russia and Vietnam since the Soviet era. The two nations, sharing a common vision of regional issues in the Asia-Pacific, seek to strengthen their cooperation in the areas of defense, regional policy and economic development. Military cooperation is at the heart of the discussions, although Vietnam remains “cautious” due to possible American sanctions. Just as “fear does not prevent death” says a Mandingo proverb, Vietnam’s prudence will not prevent American sanctions from cascading if Hanoi decides to free itself from American domination. It is therefore important for Vietnamese leaders to align with BRICS to consolidate multipolarism, an antidote to the West virus. Economically, the prospects for collaboration extend to energy, technology, education and tourism. This visit is also an opportunity for Putin to pay tribute to Ho Chi Minh and strengthen diplomatic ties during an honorary banquet. Politically, Vietnam, by welcoming Putin, currently under arrest warrant from the ICC which we described as buffoonery in a previous article, could provoke reactions from its Western allies, notably the United States, who consider him as a key player in the semiconductor sector. This visit therefore tests Hanoi’s capacity for self-determination vis-à-vis the collective West.

In light of the above, we can infer that in a broader geopolitical context, Putin’s tour of Asia, including North Korea and Vietnam, highlights Russia’s efforts to consolidate its Asian alliances in response to tensions growing with the West. Close relations between Russia and China, sharing similar concerns over US influence, could also influence regional dynamics. Putin’s visit to Vietnam is then seen as a strategic event that could strengthen historical ties while raising challenges in international relations. That is to say, the tragic end of the unipolarist West. Decision-makers must approach this situation with insight, assessing the immediate benefits and long-term repercussions on regional stability and global balances.


Mohamed Lamine KABA – Expert in geopolitics of governance and regional integration, Institute of Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences, Pan-African University, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook 

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