Archives Russia - New Eastern Outlook
26.07.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

While international relations were organized around two poles of power (East and West) after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the illusion of the end of the Cold War in 1991, the emergence of new centers of power in the Global South changes the situation. It is in this spirit that the prestigious think tank that we agree to call in other words “the Valdaï discussion club ”, based in Moscow, is organizing its second Russian-African conference (July 24, 2024 in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania), one year after the second Russia-Africa summit in Saint Petersburg (here).

23.07.2024 Brian Berletic

A recent article appearing in the US-based Business Insider titled, “Russia’s showing NATO its hand in the air war over Ukraine,” would provide a showcase of the deep deficit in military expertise driving increasingly unsustainable, unachievable foreign policy objectives. The article summarizes a number of interviews conducted with Western “airpower experts,” exhibiting a profound misunderstanding of modern military aviation, air defenses, and their role on and above the battlefield.

19.07.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

European leaders dead worried about the return of Donald Trump to the White House later this year and the possibility of him moving the US away from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to accomplish his “Make American Great Again” goals, the former is taking steps to expand NATO to Asia to keep it relevant. Donald Trump has vowed more than once to counter China. He has also expressed optimism to use diplomacy to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Combined with his disdain for NATO, the resolution of the Russia-Ukraine conflict could erode NATO’s credibility and legitimacy.

17.07.2024 Ricardo Nuno Costa

On 16 July, Jürgen Elsässer (67) woke up startled at 6 a.m., opened the door of his house while still in his dressing gown, and in front of him were dozens of police officers, some with their faces covered, heavily armed, in a surreal image befitting any authoritarian state. However, it was in Brandenburg, on the outskirts of Berlin, in the Germany of the tragicomic Scholz government, aka the ‘Traffic Light’ coalition.

17.07.2024 Christopher Black

The bullets of an assassin shook the world on Saturday, July 13.  Dark forces are at play that want the war against Russia to continue, and they are willing to be ruthless, to murder even their own leaders if it means they can get their way, and if they can do that, what will they not do? We have entered a very dangerous time.

17.07.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

As it becomes increasingly clear that the Western establishment is no longer able to use its chaos it has created for its own advantage, discussions about possible peace talks are becoming also increasingly more active. It is also perfectly clear that the Western planetary minority today has no possibility of being able to dictate any of its pseudo-formulas and theses. This is without forgetting the fact that any potential negotiation will have to take place with the decisive participation of the main non-Western world powers and representatives of the global majority.

14.07.2024 Christopher Black

Little Luxembourg has concluded a “security agreement” with the American puppet of Ukraine, Zelensky. This astonishing event might call to mind the foreign policy of The Grand Duchy of Fenwick.

13.07.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

Some African leaders perpetuate corruption and incompetence, while the US and Western Europe avail convenient justifications for such behavior, which hurts Africans.

12.07.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Usually geographical neighbours must find ‘common ground’. However, history shows that geography does not always bring neighbours closer together, so the capacity for both mutually beneficial partnership and rivalry remains between Russia, Turkey and Iran…

12.07.2024 Brian Berletic

The United States had throughout the Cold War and within the first decade of the 21st century established dominance in terms of space-based military capabilities, including satellite navigation through its Global Positioning System (GPS) and a wide array of reconnaissance and communications satellites. These enabled US forces to access targeting data and coordinate their forces anywhere on Earth.

12.07.2024 Yuriy Zinin

The scientific conference “Challenges and Threats to the Algerian State and Society: History and Modernity”, held recently at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOS), brought together specialists representing academic institutions and leading universities in Russia. The agenda included a wide range of topics from Algeria’s energy strategy and its foreign policy to issues of cultural and national identification of society and cooperation between Moscow and Algeria.

12.07.2024 Abbas Hashemite

Relations between Pakistan and Russia have been improving for the previous few years. Historically, both countries have observed numerous fluctuations in their bilateral relations. The leaders of the two nations met at the 24th SCO Summit in Astana, Kazakhstan. Despite geopolitical impediments, both leaders demonstrated their desire to promote bilateral relations between the two sides.