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The Ukraine Conflict Has Exposed NATO

The decades-long humiliation that NATO suffered in Afghanistan ostensibly was not enough, as NATO is being exposed again in the Ukraine conflict. The West and its veritable arm, the mainstream media, have been touting for over a year that the Russian forces are running out of munitions and are exhausted, but this is just not true. For proof, please read this article. If it were not for NATO and the US, who have deliberately prolonged this conflict, Ukraine would already be on the negotiation table…

Taut Bataut

The grain deal negotiations in Sochi won’t be successful if Russia’s interests are not honored

The recent trip to Russia by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan received a lot of media attention ahead of it. One thing was clear – Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan would meet, whether it be in Turkey, Russia, or some other country such as India. What caused the Turkish leader to act in such haste? Of course, the goal of this meeting was not to thank Russia for its assistance during his most recent contentious presidential campaign. It is also hardly the topic of Syrian talks, which have not yet established a meeting place…

Alexandr Svaranc

Where Will They Build the Next Wall? Norway Has a Reindeer Fence Already

Russian containment is the fallback position of a Western hegemony that set out to strangle and then fragment the world’s biggest country since 2014. A recent Foreign Policy report confirms that the “strategy” now is to hold back the coming multipolar world. After sufficiently blaming everything about the Ukraine affair on Vladimir Putin’s alleged insatiable lust for land and power, authors Michael Kimmage and Hanna Notte reveal the fact that the West’s multifaceted proxy war…

Phil Butler