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Phil Butler

Dutch Intelligence: A Case for Linking Stuxnet and the Ukrainian Trace

New revelations are shedding more light on the CIA and Massad’s involvement in the Obama administration’s sabotage of the Iranian nuclear program. Dutch media have identified the man who played a crucial role in the U.S.-Israeli operation to disrupt Iran’s nuclear program in 2007. Given the Biden administration’s threat diplomacy and fearmongering aimed at Iran on Israel’s behalf recently, we should expect even more colorful espionage that targets the Iranians. In addition, the Dutch espionage revelations provide circumstantial evidence…

Phil Butler

Putin, Carlson, and Elvis: Immortals of Mainstream Publicity

Several days ago, former Fox anchor Tucker Carlson sat down for a lengthy interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. In the week preceding this unique Q&A, CNN and other Western media focused (inadvertently) on transforming Carlson into a living legend. That is to say, by using the same methods that helped make Vladimir Putin into a modern superhero. By constantly haranguing and mudslinging against Putin and Russia as a whole, the elite-run Western hierarchy was instrumental in creating a mystique and a celebrity of unparalleled influence…

Phil Butler

Geography Will Finally Put America and Other Nations in Their Proper Place

Russia and India are moving forward, exploring the adoption of a native BRICS currency. The move has garnered keen interest from Western interest, but so far, no key media has reported. A story in Middle East Economy a few days ago tells us Russia and India have joined forces to expand the influence of the BRICS alliance through digital economy initiatives. For the Western alliance, Russia/India dealings are really only the tip of a humongous iceberg. Some experts say and isolated America is right around the corner.

Phil Butler