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If It Looks Like a Duck and Quacks Like a Duck, It Could Be a Nazi

Phil Butler, June 10

If It Looks Like a Duck and Quacks Like a Duck, It Could Be a Nazi

The Hill, a publication now owned by Nextar Media Group, recently published the pièce de résistance of Putin/Russia hate pieces. “The ruinous reign of Vladimir the Terrible” is authored by one of the top political scientists in the world, Alexander J. Motyl. His other mission in life is to teach Russophobia to Rutgers University students. The synthesis of Nextar, Motyl, and the Western elitist’s logic system is the entropy ruining humanity for good.

Motyl, whose parents were refugees from Western Ukraine (see Ukrainska Povstanska Armiya, UPA) following WW2, is a contributor to Foreign Policy Magazine, 19fortyfive.com (see CIA), and Kyiv Post. The reader can shortcut a deep dive into who Motyl is by examining a movement known as the Prosvita education society, the ideals of which still flourish with donations from the Omelian and Tatiana Antonovych Foundation. Mind you, searching to find out who the “famous” Ukrainian philanthropist Omelian Antonovych was is nearly impossible for the average researcher. Motyl was the 2019 recipient of this prize. His winning has inspired hundreds of stories from mainstream Western media. Here, we must (of necessity) move on from the pro-Nazi Provista ideology we see alive and well in Ukraine today.

Nextar Media Group’s Consolidation: Impact on Media Bias and Diversity

The Hill, or more appropriately, Nextar Media Group, is part of a duopoly formed when the group merged with Tribune Media a few years ago. This consolidation of media power raises concerns about the diversity of viewpoints presented to American TV viewers. Nextar’s ownership of the controlling share of CW (CBS – Warner), and the fact that the conglomerate’s CEO, Perry Sook, is also Chairman of the Joint Board of Directors of the National Association of Broadcasters, the most potent media lobbying group in Washington, DC, further underscores the potential for bias in the content produced by The Hill.

So, what sense can we make of shuffled puzzle pieces of a new war against the Slavic people of the world, Russian in particular? We have the son of refugees running from the Soviets at the end of WW2, bleating continually about the inhuman Ruskies. He writes for a media outlet called 19FortyFive, owned by a person or entities nobody seems to know. The Putin hater extraordinaire contributes to The Hill, which is now owned by one of the most effective propaganda (oops! media) conglomerates in the world. One of the world’s most influential political scientists has also won the top award from the son of a Ukrainian nationalist father (note Galacia and a German national mother, see OUN). And most importantly, The Hill has broadcast the lunatic rantings of someone with a deep hatred of not just Vladimir Putin but Russian speakers of any persuasion. Let me quote just one paragraph of nasty and typically hypocritical insults about Putin from the article here for emphasis:

“But Putin’s face has had one important, positive consequence, at least for us. It reminds us that evil can be — to use Hannah Arendt’s term for the profoundly evil yet ordinary-looking Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann — banal. Just look closely at Putin, and what should immediately strike you is the awe-inspiring mediocrity that he exudes. In that sense, Putin is Eichmann’s double.”

Critiquing the Irony

The irony I find in Western media’s constant use of the ultimate insult against any Russian sometimes overwhelms me. The progeny of Hitler’s evacuee from what eventually became a Nazi hinterland in the middle war years refers to Russia’s only true statesman in generations as his antithesis. I am reminded of the ultimate Russophobia conduit, the late Zbigniew Brzezinski, who constantly likened Nazi ideology and that of the Soviet leadership. If we step back only momentarily to observe what Brezenski, Kissinger and the other “great” Western strategists brought forward, put our world in the death spiral we currently find ourselves in. The Western Czars and princes were the only ones who ever profited from these elitist manservants. In 100 years, there will be no argument on this. That is if the students of Professor Motyl do not demand the launch of a preemptive nuclear strike on Moscow.

As for Mr Putin’s suggested likeness to the Nazi war criminal Adolph Eichmann, the author of The Hill Russophobia rant bears a striking resemblance.


Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, he’s an author of the recent bestseller “Putin’s Praetorians” and other books. He writes exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

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