Phil Butler
25.07.2024 Phil Butler

The United States of America, my beloved homeland, has been taken over by an elite mafia capable of anything and everything. I do not think many of my countrymen would disagree, given the events of the past couple of decades. Today, it seems as if killing has become the key to our leadership’s domestic and foreign policy.

20.07.2024 Phil Butler

Congratulations to all European Union citizens. With the re-election of Ursula von der Leyen, you can all expect more of the same. It should be of further comfort to Europeans within the bloc that 284 of 401 elected parliamentarians voted to put the Queen of vaccines and European militarism in charge once again. So, your leaders have matters well in hand.

15.07.2024 Phil Butler

Russia’s former president, Dmitry Medvedev, levels a scathing criticism of what he termed the NATO/EU Holy Trinity of leadership. The current Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council Unleashed overdue criticism of NATO boss Mark Rutte, EU chief Ursula von der Leyen, and Estonia’s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas. Medvedev’s cutting revelations reveal more evidence of why the Western alliance is disintegrating.

08.07.2024 Phil Butler

Why must the Western elites “blink first” in the hyperbolic war being carried out against Russia? It’s not just because Russia’s Vladimir Putin recently said so at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum. The so-called “West” is feigning and barking about escalations in Ukraine, but the reality is that Europe is on the ropes.

01.07.2024 Phil Butler

The Western alliance is in disarray today over recent developments involving Russia, North Korea, and Vietnam. While the main focus of Western ire seems to be about a Vladimir Putin/Kim Jong-un dialogue and agreements, the deeper implications show further eroding of the Western order’s domination of international politics.

26.06.2024 Phil Butler

It seems inevitable that American advisors/instructors in Ukraine helped Volodymyr Zelensky’s forces target men, women, and children at beaches in Sevastopol with ATACMS tactical missiles supplied by Washington. Meanwhile, news of the cluster warheads (see at the Dzhankoi air base attack in April) reveals more profound implications.

21.06.2024 Phil Butler

Reports from The Telegraph and authors James Rothwell and Roland Oliphant tell the harrowing tale of Russian Vladimir Putin personally probing NATO’s defenses. According to “security chiefs” somewhere in London, Sweden, or the Baltic States, “Vladimir Putin is testing NATO borders for weak spots.” Heaven forbids (the liberal order) Russian leaders from gathering intelligence on aggressive states…

17.06.2024 Phil Butler

How is it we never realized what NATO is all about? How difficult is it to understand that such blocs and alliances constitute a “Reich” or a realm by definition? Looking at the language and actions of NATO nations in the past decades, how can anyone wonder why the Russians saw fit to protect their “western flank?” In particular, recent comments from American General Michael Langley, Commander of US Africa Command, help us understand better…

10.06.2024 Phil Butler

The Hill, a publication now owned by Nextar Media Group, recently published the pièce de résistance of Putin/Russia hate pieces. “The ruinous reign of Vladimir the Terrible” is authored by one of the top political scientists in the world, Alexander J. Motyl. His other mission in life is to teach Russophobia to Rutgers University students. The synthesis of Nextar, Motyl, and the Western elitist’s logic system is the entropy ruining humanity for good…

05.06.2024 Phil Butler

The remarkable news that Italy’s Defence Minister is calling for the West to make a concerted effort to end the conflict in Ukraine may give some people hope. Guido Crosetto recently told the daily Il Messaggero that negotiation with Vladimir Putin is the only way to end the bloodshed. However, doublespeak statements from Italian politicians and business people mirror the EU’s and NATO’s rudderless single mindedness…

29.05.2024 Phil Butler

News that Russian/Armenian investor and philanthropist Ruben Vardanyan has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize is driving Romania’s far-right batty. Romanian MPs and MEPs of the National Liberal Party (PNL) are gnashing teeth and pulling out hair over the former Minister of State of Artsakh’s nomination for his efforts to help implement hundreds of humanitarian projects in Armenia, Artsakh, and the Armenian world…

23.05.2024 Phil Butler

In the latest news from Bloomberg, Vladimir Putin is finally responding to hundreds of billions being stolen from Russian business people by the corrupt Western elites. Or, as the business bullhorn of Michael Bloomberg headlines…