Mohamed Lamine KABA
17.05.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

In the founding of the United Nations (UN) and the creation of Nations, the political history of the international community is a history of domination and injustice, with the constant breakdown of the normal functioning of international relations and the upheaval of the societal bedrock of the countries of the South. According to the Western conception of international community, these peoples are placed on the periphery of the history of humanity…

13.05.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

On 9 May 2024, Russia solemnly celebrated the 79th anniversary of the historic victory over Nazi Germany. On this significant date, celebrated as Victory Day, more than 9,000 soldiers gathered and Vladimir Putin, who had just been re-elected to a new presidential term, was present. Before the parade began, Russian President Vladimir Putin personally met foreign leaders in the Kremlin’s Armorial Hall…

09.05.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

During his inauguration on May 7, 2024, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin addressed his people and the world with the rhetoric of the most experienced statesman in the modern world. His speech, the key points of which we have deciphered, reassures the majority of the planet with the exception of the Western minority (the unjust world), who welcomed it by grumbling and lamentably seeking to discredit its process…

01.05.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

In view of the socio-economic dynamics of the African continent, I carry out in this article a critical analysis of the issues linked to youth employment. My approach is characterized by bold thinking, illustrated by the metaphor of “Emmanuel Macron’s knee placed on the neck of Africans”, symbolizing the challenges and external pressures that African states face and which cause public policies and initiatives to fail. Job creation for young people…

26.04.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

I dare to assert here that the Russian Federation is indeed a major player on the world stage. Ignoring it or underestimating it in making decisions concerning the course of the world is a very serious error in geopolitical and geostrategic calculation. That is to say, a dangerous game that only the Western minority is playing to place humanity on the edge of the precipice…

22.04.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

The multiplication of escalations which, for decades, has characterized global governance, raises questions about the future of humanity. The world is currently experiencing multiple major wars, including conflicts between Israel and Hamas, between Israel and Iran, between Russia and Ukraine, in Burkina Faso, in Somalia, in Sudan, in Yemen, in Myanmar, in Nigeria and Syria…

16.04.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

After two weeks of the attack on its diplomatic representation in Syria by the Zionist State of Israel and in flagrant violation of the Vienna Conventions of 1961 and 1964 on diplomatic and consular relations (killing 13 people in the rank of guards of the Iranian revolution, diplomats, innocent women and children), the Islamic Republic of Iran responds with realism and reciprocity to the war entrepreneurs who, for decades, have been sowing terror and chaos on the Palestinian territory by killing all what moves…

14.04.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

Symbol of the perpetuation of French domination (slave trade or triangular trade, slavery, colonialism, deterioration of terms of trade, neocolonialism, etc.) over the peoples of Africa, Françafrique (soft-power, hard-power and smart -power) which has long served the interests of France in the black continent is heading straight to its grave thanks to the awakening of consciences of Africans. Having long served as a dairy cow for France from the royal era to the France of Macron, passing through that of De Gaulle, Pompidou, Estaing…

11.04.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

Since the beginnings of the victory of the Bassirou Diomaye Faye and Ousmane Sonko at the declaration of the official results giving the duo the winner by the electoral body of Senegal and confirmed by observers from serious countries deployed on the occasion, the French media and others of the Western line multiplied the insults to towards the new president Faye and the government team led by Ousmane Sonko…

03.04.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

The Israeli (missile) raids carried out on April 1, 2024 on the consulate of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus in Syria, coldly killing 13 people – senior Iranian military officials and Syrian civilians (men, women and children) once again mark the greed of Zionist Israel and the ferocity of its sponsors, the United States of America and the NATO countries (West) which have no limits in the tearing of humanity…

01.04.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

While terrorist attacks perpetrated in Western space have always been the subject of massive condemnation throughout the world, those perpetrated in non-Western territories are celebrated (the perpetrators welcomed as heroes) in the West, where they pass under silence absolute Western media. The Crocus City Hall attacks on March 22, 2024 in the suburbs of Moscow in Russia are a perfect illustration of this. Perpetrated two weeks after the alert was given by the American Embassy in Moscow…

29.03.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

Since the definition of the analytical framework of the term “jihadism” and its inscription in the annals of the history of international relations, the real reasons for the emergence of the acts to which it refers have not been elucidated until nowadays. While the United States of Zbigniew Brzeziński (architect of American strategy in Afghanistan and former national security advisor in 1998), Henry Kissinger (designer of “The Order of the World in 2016”), Samuel P. Huntington (designer of “The Clash of Civilizations”)» in 1993) and…