NATO’s historical ties to fascism and its modern actions against Orthodox Christianity reveal a deeper agenda of division and suppression under the guise of Western values.
It would be easy to dismiss this as just more “Russian propaganda” if one did not have a good grasp of late 20th and early 21st Century history and, from personal accounts, know what is going on in Ukraine.
It is obvious that Western political and military orientation, by design or by happenstance, often runs along religious lines, take Serbia for instance, and I need not explain more, dating back to WW1.
NATO was founded to “defend” Europe against the “Soviet” threat, a threat that was, in 1949, practically non-existent. If anything, the USSR, after its massive losses defeating the cream of the German army, inflicting 85 percent of all causalities on Nazi forces, was almost desperate for good relations with its erstwhile western allies.
Unfortunately, this good will was not returned in any meaningful form by the US, UK, and France in particular, based on its vast history of collaboration with Nazi Germany, who quickly set about “rehabilitating” the Nazis, Fascists, and those who had collaborated with them in Western Europe, and giving shelter to those who had collaborated in the east, and run to the west to escape their just desserts.
Even Macron’s had planned to pay tribute to Nazi collaborator Pétain which for obvious reasons stirred anger in France some years ago, Marshal Pétain was a first world war hero, but later disgraced as head of Vichy France, which had participated in the rounding up and deportation of French Jews and others to Nazi Death Camps.
Nazi roots help one in government jobs
It is interesting to note exactly how many “former” Nazis reached high positions in not only Germany, but in NATO, even in its early years. The Rosenberg study, presented to the Bundestag in 2016, showed that prior to 1973, a stunning HALF of all public servants, including 25 cabinet ministers, one president, Walter Scheel (FDP), and one chancellor, Kurt Georg Kiesinger (CDU) were active and willing members of the Nazi party before and during the war.
The situation was even worse at the West German Justice Ministry, with a staggering 77% of senior ministerial staff having been Nazis, an amount higher than when Hitler was running Germany! Even the former head of the UN, Kurt Waldheim, and latter president of Austria, who had been in the German army had lied about his military service tried to whitewash his “alleged” involvement in murdering of civilians and Jews. He had been stationed in Yugoslavia when atrocities and war crimes were committed.
It is tempting to pass this off as a German-Austria internal problem, but that is not the case, as it reflects a larger problem. This is evidenced by the NATO rebuilding of the West German military in the 1950s and 60s, where, even at an early stage, even SS officers were allowed to serve in the new Bundeswehr. These individuals, including General Hans Speidel, chief of staff to Erwin Rommel, courtesy of the clean Wehrmacht myth, went on to serve in the Western German army before promotion in 1957 to Supreme Commander of NATO’s ground forces in Central Europe until 1963.
Many of Hitler’s Willing Executioners
The “clean Wehrmacht” myth was an odious and, unfortunately effective, whitewashing of the crimes of the German military, particularly on the Eastern Front and in the Balkans, which heaped the lion’s share of the blame on the SS for massacres of civilians, POWs and Jews.
Given how many of these “former” Nazis served in senior positions in the NATO hierarchy, one, the notorious Adolf Heusinger, who not only became head of the West German armed forces, but also Chairman of the NATO Military Committee in 1961. In that position, he was head of the Committee which advises the North Atlantic Council on strategy and tactics. It made him the most senior military figure of the alliance, and effectively, its Chief of Staff.
The Nazi Party were violently opposed to the Orthodox world, as was evinced by their actions using Churches in Belarus and Ukraine as execution sites, frequently herding entire village populations into the local Church and burning them alive. It is estimated that the Nazis destroyed more Churches in their four-year occupation of Soviet territory than the Communists had since 1917.
It is no surprise, therefore, that with so many “former” Nazis in senior positions, that NATO developed the way it did. Their influence can be clearly seen in the way the Alliance fomented and reacted to the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. The Orthodox Serbians and Montenegrins were immediately designated as the “bad guys” while Nazi Germany’s WW2 Balkan allies, Croatia, Bosnia, and Albania, were portrayed as “innocent victims”.
Needless to say, massacres of Serbian populations in these areas were ignored, or swept under the carpet, while Serbian actions were either blown out of all proportion, and the fact that they were usually carried out in retaliation for crimes committed by Croatian Roman Catholic Ustashe fascists and Bosniak Islamists was ignored completely. A particularly egregious case was the whitewashing of “Operation Storm”, a Croatian attack on the Serb populated region of Krajina in Croatia, which forced more than 200,000 Serbs to flee, never to return.
Bombing of Yugoslavia
This attitude on the part of NATO and its member states continued with the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia, often with bombs made of Depleted Uranium, DU, which dust fallout is still killing to this day, and the partition and subsequent western recognition of independence of Kosovo.
In a brutal bombing campaign that deliberately targeted TV stations, hospitals, power stations, and even the Chinese embassy, NATO killed thousands of civilians in Serbia and Montenegro, and sent Special Forces to assist Albanian terrorists of the KLA, who were basically little more than a criminal gang. It is interesting to note that an independent report upheld Serbian accusations that hundreds of their people were kidnapped and murdered for their organs AFTER NATO troops arrived.
It also seems to explain the NATO rejection of both Yeltsin and Putin’s attempts to join the NATO alliance in the 1990s. As part of its post-communist revival, Russia has been restoring and healing its Orthodox soul, with reconstruction of Churches proceeding at a rate only exceeded by its southern neighbor, the Republic of Georgia. Needless to say, NATO balked at this idea, firmly rejecting both approaches, not surprisingly given the mixture of Neo-Pagan and Neo-Nazi culture, combined with the growing atheism of what were formerly staunchly Roman Catholic or Protestant nations, all of which have one uniting thread.
Outright hatred of Orthodox Christianity!
This is further proven by the ongoing war in Ukraine, and NATO led efforts to divide and undermine the Ukrainian Orthodox Church by bribing the Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew, widely derided in the rest of the Orthodox world as “the CIA patriarch” into recognizing the schismatic “Orthodox Church of Ukraine”, and turning a blind eye to, if not outright encouraging, the Ukrainian government’s repression against Orthodox Ukrainians who have, on the whole, remained stubbornly loyal to the UOC.
The Nazification of NATO is further confirmed by numerous incidents, as reported by the BBC and other Western media outlet, not least of which was the standing applause for a Ukrainian Nazi veteran, Mr. Hunka of the SS Galicia division by the Canadian Parliament. This is mirrored in the whitewashing of Ukrainian neo-Nazi units like Azov and Right Sector.
A friend of mine has direct experience of this, having recently helped a young Ukrainian woman escape persecution in her Banderist led country, and delivered her safely from the Tbilisi airport to a Georgian women’s monastery. She was from Odessa, from an ethnic Ukrainian-speaking family, and told how the government had done its best to split the Church, the people, even her own family is divided over which Orthodox Church to put their faith, out of fear of persecution [if it] would side with the one and only true Orthodox Church.
She wants to be an Orthodox nun!
Smear Campaign
It is also apparent in countries like the Republic of Georgia, where NATO and EU missions routinely try and smear the Georgian Orthodox Church, and in particular its highly respected Patriarch, in an attempt to create the sort of divisions in society that they have made in Ukraine.
Of particular note is the demand by pro-western protesters to shift religious observances, particularly Christmas, to the western calendar, in order to “fight Russian influence” which is, quite frankly, absurd!
It is obvious that the NATO alliance wishes to destroy Orthodox Christianity in its traditional form. This is no surprise, given that NATO is the latest manifestation of Rome, in both imperial and religious form, though it, like the Vatican, has long since ceased to be anything resembling Christian, in fact, with the west’s aggressive pushing of the LGBTQ agenda, it can be said that they are, in fact, quite the opposite of Christian. Their aggressive atheism is cover for something far darker, a return to the twin evils of paganism and fascism.
As the saying goes, when an atheist asks “Which of the thousands of Gods are real?” the Christian answers “The one you hate the most”
Seth Ferris, investigative journalist and political scientist, expert on Middle Eastern affairs