Seth Ferris
18.07.2024 Seth Ferris

They did it to themselves, not just President Emmanuel Macron, but the French establishment as a whole. To add injury to insult, especially in the wake of losing colonies in Africa (and their lucrative minerals), the ruling party proved its inability to keep close to the pulse of the French people and their aversion to war, and love of fiery protests. This was especially notable after the suggestion of sending troops to Ukraine, conflict in a “Metropolitan French” region of New Caledonia, other foreign entanglements and the need to keep focus on pressing domestic issues—starting with a failed immigration policy with a slew of political and economic repercussions.

10.07.2024 Seth Ferris

The furor in Washington, Brussels, and the capitals of NATO and EU member states over the recent trip to Moscow by the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orban, is very telling.

03.07.2024 Seth Ferris

It was difficult to decide upon the title but “Making the Best of a Bad Situation: Recruiting Cannon Fodder for the Ukrainian Army” pretty much gives an oversight of what is now the most critical problem facing Ukraine, notwithstanding the constant ongoing issues such as lack of appropriate weapons, rampant corruption, untrained troops, lack of freedom of speech and apparent knowledge that the conflict with Russia is not winnable.

23.06.2024 Seth Ferris

Ukraine always does what the US and its NATO partners tell it to, and this goes so far as even how it uses the western supplied so-called “defensive” weapons such as the HIMARS, ATACMS, and the Storm Shadow and SCALP missiles. When initially supplied, the war party in the west claimed that these were only to be used under restricted circumstances, or Rules of Engagement, and not for strikes on historic Russian territory (as defined by the US and EU, that is), otherwise the use of such weapons would most certainly meet the definition of a proxy war.

11.06.2024 Seth Ferris

It has finally come to the attention of Ukraine’s western masters that, to paraphrase a quote from WW2 about Hitler’s Atlantic wall, “NATO only made one big mistake when building their Fortress Ukraine, they forgot to put a roof on it”…

01.06.2024 Seth Ferris

What does this have to do with the Pacific, and in particular the French possession of New Caledonia, we may ask? The recent revolt by the people of New Caledonia against their French colonial exploiters provides crucial insight into how colonialism actually operates and its consequences…

21.05.2024 Seth Ferris

It is obvious to all, even the most ardent Ukrainian nationalists, that Ukraine is on the ropes, being battered relentlessly by a far better trained, prepared, and capable opponent. It is like watching a college boxer get hammered by a world champion heavyweight at this point, and one would think it would be in Ukraine’s immediate and long-term interest to cry uncle and try and make the best deal it can with Russia…

13.05.2024 Seth Ferris

China’s visit to Belgrade on the 25th anniversary of the bombing of their embassy, when taken in conjunction with the cold shoulder given to the US Secretary of State on his arrival in China, should send a clear message to the US. Will the elites in Washington be clever enough to understand it is another question?

04.05.2024 Seth Ferris

Just when we thought western hypocrisy over the war in Ukraine had reached rock bottom, lo and behold, they get out an excavator and keep digging. A series of precision strikes across the country over the last few days have devastated thermal and hydroelectric power plants, including the largest ones in Kiev and Kharkov…

24.04.2024 Seth Ferris

The powerful earthquake that shook Taiwan on Wednesday, 3rd of April, was the strongest earthquake to hit the renegade Chinese province in 25 years. The 7.4+ earthquake has killed at least nine people and injured more than a thousand, and has sent a different type of shockwave throughout the world, particularly the west…

16.04.2024 Seth Ferris

Iran had to retaliate for the Israeli attack on the consulate… and of course, the Israelis and Washington knew they would.   When it comes to measured retaliation, the timing, I can see several reasons: Firstly, of course, Israel’s failure in Gaza. It turned out that the Israeli army is not that strong. If they cannot finish off the so-called Hamas terrorists and genocide, the population in Gaza in six months…

08.04.2024 Seth Ferris

Only now can we see that there may be more justification than just political mudslinging for Joe Biden being called “Genocide Joe.” Nonetheless, the US is starting to charge its tune over Gaza and the plight of the Palestinians, not out of altruist reasons, or from realizing that Israel has gone too far in getting “its pound of flesh from over the heart”, but instead from basic political pragmatism. This phrase has come to symbolize an insistence on receiving repayment or justice, even if it results in extreme or unreasonable consequences….