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Evidence of US-Al-Qaeda* Alliance; The Global War on Terror (GWOT) has Exponentially Strengthened Al-Qaeda* Terrorists

Simon Chege Ndiritu, January 17, 2025

There can never be any doubt that the rise of terrorist government in Syria in 2024 was a well-thought-out plan.

Evidence of US-Al Qaeda* Alliance

The 2024 Global Terrorism Index revealed that the vice has been expanding despite the GWOT (Global War on Terror) being over 20 years old. Meanwhile, Muhammad Al-Jolani, a rebranded member of ISIS and Al-Qaeda*, led terrorists to overthrow a state, which was impossible before the GWOT, in 2001. Is GWOT fighting against or for terrorists?

Actions reveal Global War for Terror

Nearly all cultures have a wise saying translated into actions speak louder than words. What a person means can be understood correctly from what he does than what he says. Equally, Washington’s stand and relationship with terror groups including Al-Qaeda* is characterized by its repeated vows to eliminate the group since 2001 and launching a global war on the same, while the group has grown in leaps and bounds and achieved what the GWOT was supposed to prevent. The most important verbal commitment to eradicate Terrorists, especially Al-Qaeda* came in George Bush’s address to the joint session of congress on September 20th, 2001, in response to the September 11 (9/11) attacks. Bush vowed to deliver justice in a famous statement, “whether we bring justice to our enemies or our enemies to justice, justice will be done”.

Al-Qaeda* can also be understood as a target that Washington placed in countries its —empire wants to destroy, to justify its medieval destruction

Listeners may have expected that all the attackers and their accomplices would be militarily eliminated or charged in courts, but the reality, a quarter-century later, is different. Al-Qaeda*now runs Syria and has developed many offshoots including the Islamic States (IS*), Al-Shabaab*, Al-Qaeda* in Maghreb, and Boko Haram among others. The US has also restricted families of victims of 9/11 from taking legal action against Saudi Arabia, a country from which some attackers and accomplices came from. Still, the US justice system and media have swept the dancing Israelis’ cue under the rug. Therefore, threats against Al-Qaeda*, the GWOT, and commitments to deliver justice to victims of 9/11 have not been pursued. The, question of whether the US has been fighting, helping, or collaborating with Al-Qaeda* and other terrorists to destroy civilians and infrastructure but strengthen these groups is pertinent.

Al-Qaeda* in 2001 and Al-Qaeda* in 2024

After America’s two decades of fighting terror, Al-Qaeda* has exponentially grown from loosely affiliated bands operating in different countries to a force that is overrunning countries, for instance Syria in 2024. Therefore, the GWOT is aiding terrorists and the US has deliberately supported them (terrorists) to fight its opponents such as Syria and Iran. In Bush’s address mentioned earlier, he described Al-Qaeda* as a group of loosely affiliated groups that practiced a fringe interpretation of Islam and emphasized, “Al-Qaeda is to terror what the mafia is to crime”. His description meant that the group then had few members and operated underground like the mafia in different countries, but after over 20 years of the Supposed war on terror, Al-Qaeda* controls a country. Additionally, the group’s most successful branch, Hayat, Tahrir al Sham (HTS*), grew from concealed fringes in 2011/2012 to commanding organized armies of Arabic, Turkic, and Uyghur terrorists, which matched on Damascus in 2024, as purported GWOT continued. Washington applauded, and has already dispatched envoys to the region to solicit support for this group and to puppeteer it. The US media machine is diligently rebranding Al-Qaeda’s* Al Jolani, and stopped just short of giving him a Christian, or Jewish name.

Bush understood that his government was priming terrorists, especially Al-Qaeda* to take over countries for American interest, but confused his audiences that GWOT would prevent such. He was obfuscating how Al-Qaeda* has worked for American interests from its creation by Washington as was revealed by a top FBI official, who only lamented that it refocused its terrorism towards the US and Allies. Washington has no problem when terrorists attack other countries, but has enabled such attacks to advance its interest. Al-Qaeda* received training from the CIA in the 1980s and possibly in other instances that have not been publicized. The group has been Washington’s foot soldiers for creating false flags and attacking American’s opponents.

For instance, in 1997, Al-Qaeda* engaged in a year-long preparation under US awareness, to bomb Washington’s embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which resulted in hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries. Later in 2001, the same group would conduct the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York, among others, and foreknowledge of the event among some in the west has been illustrated. Bush used these events to justify the GWOT, under which terrorism has increased exponentially. Clearly, Al-Qaeda* and the US work hand in glove to pursue the latter’s interests.

In another example from 2007, the US and its Gulf Vassals were strengthening Al-Qaeda* and its affiliates under the justification of fighting Iran, (ironically) in supposedly the most active phase of GWOT in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Washington Al-Qaeda* alliance in 2007 clearly shows that GWOT was not genuine.

Al-Qaeda* can also be understood as a target that Washington placed in countries its empire wants to destroy, to justify its medieval destructions for instance in Iraq, before shifting the target to the next place to repeat the same destruction. This explains why the group still existed in the 2010s after the US had pretended to fight it for over a decade. In 2012, the US Defense Intelligence Agency (US DIA) stated that terrorists, including Al-Qaeda*, were driving the insurgency in Syria, while Washington continued to claim that its presence in the region was to fight terrorism. Still, Americans supported these groups by offering them weapons and bombing Syrian Arab Army positions. This support, speeded the creation of the IS* from the most radical terrorists within Al-Qaeda. IS* mastered enough strength to overrun most parts of western Iraq and eastern Syria in 2014, in line with the terrorist’s goal as revealed in the US DIA report mentioned earlier. It is no coincidence that Washington’s support and laundering of Syrian terrorists as rebels led to the creation of IS*.

No One is Safe

There can never be any doubt that the rise of a terrorist government in Syria in 2024 was a well-thought-out plan as Bush’ address mentioned earlier, stated “Terror, unanswered, can not only bring down buildings, it can threaten the stability of legitimate governments. And you know what, we’re not going to allow it”.  In hindsight, especially from the events of 2024, Washington facilitated terrorists to bring down a legitimate government, and such a move is unlikely to be the last.

With the US nominating, any country that resists its neocolonialism as an adversary and lining it up for sanctions, bombing, or destruction by terrorists, the list of potential targets for Washington-backed – Al-Qaeda* is endless. For instance, Bush stated that Al-Qaeda* then operated in over 60 countries, but named only a few, meaning numerous others remain for the US to paint terrorist on their cities and bomb them or bring Al-Qaeda* to overthrow them like in Syria or Libya before.

* organization banned in Russia


Simon Chege Ndiritu, is a political observer and research analyst from Africa

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