Simon Chege Ndiritu
25.07.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

Kenya’s antigovernment protests continues into the second month and are similar to Ghana’s in 2022, as both started from over taxation and worsening living standard, problems absent in South East Asia (e.g. Vietnam), which was also colonized. Kenya, Ghana, and Zambia have attempted development for 6 decades but lag behind Vietnam, which started developing under 4 decades ago. Clearly, Kenya and African countries need to change their development model from the World Bank/IMF’s neoliberal Ponzi for enriching western corporations.

18.07.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

As NATO celebrated its 75th anniversary in mid-July, all the speakers, including Joe Biden, Lloyd Austin (here), and Jens Stoltenberg (here) cunningly cast the alliance as a peaceful grouping that shields the freedom-loving, and democratic west from a violent world. Nothing can be further from the truth, as its members caused World War II and fanned WWI, (here) and have been responsible for many other wars and human suffering globally.

13.07.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

Some African leaders perpetuate corruption and incompetence, while the US and Western Europe avail convenient justifications for such behavior, which hurts Africans.

09.07.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

The 25th June 2024, came with the violent protests in Kenya, in which demonstrators broke into the parliament, stole the mace and set the building ablaze, as some of them were shot by the police all across the capital. The author does not praise the protests or the violence but notes the government’s recklessness in provoking public disquiet and failing to effectively police the country, while sending 400 policemen to Haiti, the day before.

02.07.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

Barely a week after the Kenyan president left the G7 convention in which he pontificated concerning democracy and championed for IMF and the World Bank to avail fair finances for Africans, Mr. Ruto has returned to face widespread protests against his fiscal budget marked by over taxation. As protests intensified, The IMF and World Bank trended on the Twitter X space on 21st June 2024 as Kenyans condemned the colonial institutions, but the president seems interested in continuing dealing with such bodies.

24.06.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

The Russian president’s visit to North Korea (or DPRK) was characterized by reiterating his country’s commitment to fight US-lead sanctions leveled on his host nation (here). It has become clear that UN sanctions on Pyongyang are driven by Washington’s narrow-minded goals, and Russia is responding appropriately. Russia’s veto of the extension of the mandate of the UN Panel of Experts to monitor compliance and sanctions violations in the DPRK in March 2024 reintroduces balance and prevents Washington’s abuse of the UN…

17.06.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

UK ministers instructed the country’s internal intelligence Body, MI5, to focus on Russia, China, and Iran, and not terrorists as was reported in several outlets (here). The directive suggests that terrorists will not be attacking the UK, despite being resurgent in 2024 and attacking Russia’s Crocus Mall, Iran, and Chinese citizens in Pakistan in attacks killing hundreds of civilians. Why is the UK letting down guards on terrorists and training guns on countries targeted by extremists?

07.06.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

The US policy in Africa is centered on endless military intervention and bombing civilians and infrastructure (for instance, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, and nations of Sahel for over 30 years), even while terrorism and Islamist militancy have expanded. This policy has distracted Africans from socioeconomic development. While the US seeks to expand its footprint and ‘terrorism’ justification, Some African nations are seeking a new future by…

03.06.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

The US security policy based on the reckless, and imperialist Wolfowitz Doctrine is collapsing, but Washington cannot admit either the policy or failure for fear of losing already waning credibility. The Wolfowitz Doctrine was an unofficial name given to an earlier version of the US Defense Policy Guidance (DPG) 1994-1999, which leaked…

27.05.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

Kenya’s president in Washington on 23rd May 2024, to mark the 60th anniversary of the US-Kenya relations. While announcing the visit, the White House listed its other purposes including celebrating partnership, strengthening commitment to peace and security, expanding economic ties, and defending democracy. Still, it added other areas of engagement including people-to-people ties, trade and investment, technological innovation, climate…

20.05.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

The US is ideologically inclined to support Israel in its endeavor to eliminate Palestinians and establish a larger Israeli state, as a way of legitimizing its creation model. As Israel continues with Rafah Operation, completely blockades to ultimately eliminate Gazans (as a people) and occupy the land many leaked plans show, Washington looks at Israel with the pride a father has for a child that shows his traits he cherishes…

15.05.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

In the first week of May 2024, The US had to demonstrate to its chauvinistic allies that it can still lead them in running an apartheid global system where its camp operate above international law, while treating the rest as second-rate citizens. By April 30th and May 1st 2024, massive college protests spread across the US, where students demanded an end to Israeli genocide against Gaza (here, here and here), while…