Archives counter-terrorism - New Eastern Outlook
02.07.2024 Viktor Goncharov

Despite the fact that Washington has sought to maintain its military presence in Niger, formerly one of the main US allies in the Sahel region, and has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in developing its military infrastructure and training local armed forces, it nevertheless failed to achieve its goals and was forced to accept the harsh conditions dictated by the national authorities…

17.06.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

UK ministers instructed the country’s internal intelligence Body, MI5, to focus on Russia, China, and Iran, and not terrorists as was reported in several outlets (here). The directive suggests that terrorists will not be attacking the UK, despite being resurgent in 2024 and attacking Russia’s Crocus Mall, Iran, and Chinese citizens in Pakistan in attacks killing hundreds of civilians. Why is the UK letting down guards on terrorists and training guns on countries targeted by extremists?

10.06.2024 Taut Bataut

In the past few months, Pak-Afghan relations have witnessed severe strain due to rising terrorist attacks in Pakistan. TTP, BLA, and ISKP hold safe havens in Afghanistan. Both sides blamed each other for the security lapse. Pakistan even conducted aerial strikes in Afghanistan on the safe havens of TTP. The Taliban government in Afghanistan was reluctant to cooperate with Pakistan over this issue. However, both sides have recently decided on security cooperation over the issue of across-the-border terrorism…

08.06.2024 Ivan Kopytsev

Against the background of the emergence of information about the adoption by the House of Representatives of Ethiopia of an amendment regulating the process of removing political parties from the list of terrorist organizations, there are wide opportunities for analysis and forming the most substantiated interpretations of such a development, which can be considered not only as formalising the existing balance of power, but also as a political gesture aimed at reconciling the federal centre with the armed opposition…

04.06.2024 Vladimir Mashin

The International Criminal Court (ICC) announced its intention to prosecute not only Hamas leaders, but also to issue an arrest warrant for war crimes against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Defence Minister. This caused a storm of protest in Israel, both from the authorities and from public organisations: Israel categorically refused to comply with the ICC decision, calling it shameful…

10.05.2024 Yuriy Zinin

‘The Horrifying Attack at the Crocus’ …. ‘Questions and Doubts’. ‘Crime in Moscow Region Threatens Global Dangers’. These and similar headlines in the media reflect the reaction in the Middle East region to the crime at the Crocus City Hall. For observers, experts and social media users, the raid on the concert hall became a reason to increase attention to the study of the roots and methods of action of terrorism, its various organizations and branches…

06.05.2024 Taut Bataut

The dawn of the 21st century brought with it the decline of the US-led unipolar world order. For the first two decades, the United States demonstrated its brutal military might to rival states and non-state actors. The US-led War on Terror was one of its violent operations in the developing world. This war negatively affected the lives of the people of Afghanistan…

28.04.2024 Taut Bataut

Chittagong (Chattagram) Hill Tracts (CHT) – a home to Jumma ethnicity, have been a source of perennial upheaval in Bangladesh for years. However, the Bangladesh military has successfully neutralized the separatist militant groups in the region through Operation Dabanal – which was later re-established under the name Operation Uttaron. This insurgency in the country has helped the Bangladesh Army garner immense experience in counter-terrorism operations…

23.04.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Tajikistan is the only post-Soviet Central Asian republic that does not belong to the Turkic world. Tajikistan’s neighbors are Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Pakistan and Afghanistan. The population of the republic is more than 10 million people (mainly Tajiks belonging to the Iranian peoples). At the same time, Tajiks are the second most numerous ethnicity in neighboring Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. “The mountains of Tajikistan are home to the entire Mendeleev table.”…

16.04.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue and the numerous innocent victims have made March 22 a new black day in the calendar of atrocious crimes against humanity. Russia is not a country that can forgive such a crime against itself and, of course, retribution against the organizers and perpetrators is inevitable. The whole question presently relies on the time needed for an objective investigation of the criminal case of “March 22,” but the forms and means of response by the Russian security services will not make us wait long…

12.04.2024 Christopher Black

I write this just after returning from Belgrade and the important international conference held there commemorating the 1999 War of Terror conducted by NATO forces against the people of the remaining republics of Yugoslavia, primarily Serbia, a conference organised by the Beograd Forum for A World of Equals and related organisations. In the West, the NATO attack is referred to as the “Kosovo” war, since they want the memory of Yugoslavia and what it represented to the world to disappear forever. But it will no…

12.04.2024 Bakhtiar Urusov

On 22 February this year, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) issued an opinion from the Investigation and Identification Team (IIT) that found ISIL* responsible for the use of chemical weapons (CW) in the Syrian town of Mari in September 2015