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The elimination of Western propaganda as an imperative objective

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov, June 28, 2024

Police officers

Fewer and fewer countries and people in the world intend to tolerate the extremely hypocritical behavior of the Western planetary minority. In fact, when the West accuses its geopolitical and geoeconomic adversaries of “disinformation” campaigns, it naturally forgets to recognize that the undeniable figure of such campaigns throughout the world – is precisely the small Western world, accustomed between other things through such type of campaigns and its affiliated agents to achieve its objectives in terms of sovereign states destabilization. Now it is true, with enormously less success.

A rather interesting event took place a few days ago. A certain French national, Sébastien Farcis, correspondent for the last 13 years in India and South Asia for several Western propagandist media instruments, including Radio France Internationale (RFI), one of the main French propaganda tools for foreign countries, as well as for the newspaper Libération and other so-called Western media – was de-facto expelled by the competent Indian authorities.

Western propaganda against the world majority

Several points are interesting in this matter. Firstly, French and Western propaganda already denounces “authoritarian excesses” on the part of the Indian authorities. This seems particularly anecdotal taking into account that when representatives of Western propaganda are periodically escorted out of China, Russia or a number of African countries, said Western propaganda immediately qualifies this as the actions of “dictatorial” or “authoritarian” regimes, or even “military juntas”. In the case of India, the paradox is that the country has been considered globally and for decades as the largest world’s democracy. So it turns out that the world’s largest democracy is also on the “bad” camp, according to the Western elements. Although, in principle, everyone understands that any negative characterization from a planetary minority concerns any nation in the world that takes independent measures and actions contrary to the interests of the West.

Another point is also interesting. According to the comment of the character concerned by the expulsion from India – for his own employer in the quality of the French propaganda tool RFI – “Suspicion towards foreign journalists has increased in India. We have been accused of seeking to sabotage India’s economic growth, or even of being financed by foreign governments or by George Soros for this” – assures the French propagandist.

Intelligence agencies, Soros and Western propaganda campaigns

In reality, it is an open secret – the fact that a large number of Western pseudo-journalists are also agents of Western intelligence services. This is widely known by numerous sources close to the intelligence services in different parts of the world: in the countries of Asia, Africa or Latin America. As for India – just by the way the third world economic power in terms of GDP at purchasing power parity, the fourth military world’s power and which attaches great importance to security issues – including those of an anti-terrorism nature – it is very likely that the accusations made against many Western elements do not come out of nowhere. Especially since the freedom of expression in India is at a much higher level than in the West. This without even addressing the fact that today what kind of freedom of speech would be possible to speak about in the small Western space, at a time when many major non-Western international media have been banned from broadcasting in the so-called “free world”. Including Russian media and others.

But here it is also worth paying attention to the mention of Western intelligence services and the structures of Soros, the sponsor for the destabilization of sovereign states in practically all regions of the world. In fact and from personal experience, it would be necessary to address the following example – a few years ago, French “independent journalists”, as they called themselves, had sought to make contact because leading “investigations” about major African media outlets which were criticizing Western politics – French so-called journalists who in their “work” often cited “anonymous sources” within Western intelligence services, while their famous “articles” were published by media tools, many based in the US and associated precisely with the Soros’s structures.

What is also and obviously interesting here is the way in which the intelligence services of Western Europe, including France, cooperate closely with Sorosian structures. And also to what extent are they aware of the risk for such “cooperation” that they pose to their own country, by using Soros agents among their collaborators in terms of media propaganda. Of course, in the face of non-Western “bad countries” and geopolitical adversaries – Russia, China, Iran and many other BRICS and Global South nations – they may certainly think it’s worth it, but given that Soros is a character who in principle does not possesses the notion of the Motherland as such, it will cost him absolutely nothing, at one point or another, to start – if necessary – to strike certain Western countries if it turns out they didn’t choose the “right path”.

The world majority necessary measures

But obviously and after all – this represents their internal Western kitchen, and which should not particularly interest us. What is really important is definitely something else. At a time when many Western sources admit their defeat in the informational war – particularly of the French regime in Africa – the forces of the planetary minority nevertheless do not intend to abandon their predatory intentions. And this targets Africa, Eurasia and practically all regions of the global humanity majority. This therefore means that it is actively necessary to remove the Western propaganda instruments, as well as their agents, from as many countries in the world as possible. Moreover and in this regard, our country Russia, which Western propagandists describe as an “authoritarian regime”, has not yet taken all the necessary measures to this end. Meanwhile, these propagandists-agents of Western intelligence services continue to quietly wander the streets of Moscow and other Russian cities.

More than that, the measures must now be taken in a coordinated and joint manner. Within the framework of the BRICS countries, the SCO, the CSTO, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Alliance of Sahel States and other international and regional associations representing the non-Western global majority and embodying the multipolar world order. Especially since the aggressiveness of Westerners and those nostalgic for a unipolar order will only increase. Both through informational and psychological warfare and through terrorist methods. In this sense – it is time to act. Obviously also that Western propaganda absolutely does not want to completely lose the most important markets on the planet – otherwise and in the fairly near future, all that will remain for this propaganda is to be just imposed in Estonia and other Latvia, as well as in a number of other planetary minority regimes. For Western propaganda – such a scenario amounts to catastrophe. And this is why it is very useful today to bring them as close and as quickly as possible to this “catastrophe”.


Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov, entrepreneur, political commentator, expert on African and Middle Eastern issues, exclusively for the internet journal «New Eastern Outlook»

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