Archives Western Democracy - New Eastern Outlook
21.07.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

When the Western global minority, represented by its political regimes and its propaganda tools, accuses many countries of disinformation, it naturally forgets to recognize the fact that it is precisely this minority that has long been caught red-handed in this matter, which concerns precisely the propagation of propaganda and an enormous number of disinformation campaigns targeting the world majority states…

14.07.2024 Veniamin Popov

Israel’s war in Gaza has led to a virtual genocide of the Palestinian people: the number of dead and wounded has long since exceeded 100,000, many of the inhabitants of the enclave are suffering from hunger, and there is a glaring lack of medical services. But the Israeli authorities have not been able to eliminate Hamas, and their military actions have led more and more young Palestinians to seek revenge for the terrible suffering of their relatives.

11.07.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The Western regimes rage in the face of current world events is, among other things, closely linked to the progressive understanding of the said regimes that the following point will be reached – a demarcation line that will be drawn between the multipolar world on the one hand and the small group of nostalgic for the unipolar era, on the other. While some might think that this will resemble a new “Iron Curtain” or a sort of “Berlin Wall”, de-facto new physical walls will certainly not be necessary this time, given the existence today…

07.07.2024 Vladimir Mashin

The decline of Western civilisation has been vividly demonstrated in recent days. The debate between the two US presidential candidates on 27 June caused confusion not only in America itself, but also in many European countries, and even caused panic in the US Democratic Party – it became clear that Biden’s physical and cognitive data simply did not allow him to serve another four-year term.

05.07.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The international organisation of BRICS, which currently encompasses 9 states, operates on the principles of equality, non-interference and mutual benefit. Considering the unconstructive and aggressive politics of the Collective West, led by the United States, BRICS is attracting an increasing number of countries opposed to monopoly and the dictate of the unipolar world structure, and is slowly forming a multipolar world. However, a candidate’s understandable interest does not automatically guarantee membership in BRICS.

30.06.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

Africa’s misfortune is to have encountered the West on its path. This article paints a dark picture of past and present of relations between Africa and the West – relations that jeopardise the future of the continent. The phrase “the West brings bad luck to Africa” is both an expression of popular revolt and a pointed statement that reflects a range of historical, political and economic perspectives…

28.06.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov
Police officers

Fewer and fewer countries and people in the world intend to tolerate the extremely hypocritical behavior of the Western planetary minority. In fact, when the West accuses its geopolitical and geoeconomic adversaries of “disinformation” campaigns, it naturally forgets to recognize that the undeniable figure of such campaigns throughout the world – is precisely the small Western world, accustomed between other things through such type of campaigns and its affiliated agents to achieve its objectives in terms of sovereign states destabilization. Now it is true, with enormously less success….

23.06.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov
A Burkina Faso soldier

In the contemporary global confrontation between the planetary minority represented by Western regimes and their puppets – representing the bloc of those nostalgic for the bygone unipolar order, on the one hand, and the non-Western global majority – the multipolar world – on the other hand, several orientations are found there. Of course – the psychological war waged by the Western minority against a number of African states and in particular those belonging to the Alliance of Sahel States – is an integral part of this confrontation…

05.06.2024 Bakhtiar Urusov

The clerical regime in Iran continues to consolidate power in its hands. In the face of intense external pressure and the complex situation in the Middle East, the country is preparing for early presidential elections, preparing the landscape for a future president and supreme leader…

03.06.2024 Ksenia Muratshina

The anti-French riots in New Caledonia have revived latent issues relating to the effects and remnants of colonialism in the modern world. How did it happen that Oceania is, in this day and age, an entire global region with no fully independent states?

31.05.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The Western establishment, through its actions and declarations, continues to widen the gap, visible today more than ever. The gap between the obvious planetary minority – on the one hand, and the global majority, on the other. All the so-called speech about the pseudo-democracy is in reality nothing more than hypocritical and arrogant attempts to force the world to live according to the West’s so-called rules. Today, this is obvious to almost everyone…

23.05.2024 Phil Butler

In the latest news from Bloomberg, Vladimir Putin is finally responding to hundreds of billions being stolen from Russian business people by the corrupt Western elites. Or, as the business bullhorn of Michael Bloomberg headlines…