Archives Wetern crisis - New Eastern Outlook
22.07.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

While the collective West realizes with great surprise and astonishment that it no longer decides anything on the world stage, Europe, for its part, is disintegrating at an increasingly accelerated pace. The global power dynamic is undergoing a profound shift at cruising speed, where the predominant influence of Western countries appears to be crumbling. Historically, Europe and the United States have shaped world affairs through their colonial, military, economic and cultural power, with a stronger hold after World War II via institutions such…

17.07.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

As it becomes increasingly clear that the Western establishment is no longer able to use its chaos it has created for its own advantage, discussions about possible peace talks are becoming also increasingly more active. It is also perfectly clear that the Western planetary minority today has no possibility of being able to dictate any of its pseudo-formulas and theses. This is without forgetting the fact that any potential negotiation will have to take place with the decisive participation of the main non-Western world powers and representatives of the global majority.

28.06.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov
Police officers

Fewer and fewer countries and people in the world intend to tolerate the extremely hypocritical behavior of the Western planetary minority. In fact, when the West accuses its geopolitical and geoeconomic adversaries of “disinformation” campaigns, it naturally forgets to recognize that the undeniable figure of such campaigns throughout the world – is precisely the small Western world, accustomed between other things through such type of campaigns and its affiliated agents to achieve its objectives in terms of sovereign states destabilization. Now it is true, with enormously less success….

16.06.2024 Veniamin Popov

According to “Le Monde”, Europe is becoming poorer compared to the United States. In the opinion of many political analysts, the European authorities have chosen the wrong course of development by completely submitting to Washington’s policy – by joining almost 20 thousand anti-Russian sanctions, they have not only failed to restrain the growth of the Russian economy, but have even done themselves considerable damage. This is particularly evident in the case of Germany…

02.06.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

The return on stage of “The End of History and Last Man” by Francis Fukuyama (1992) and the questioning of “The Clash of Civilizations” by Samuel P. Huntington (1996), it is implicitly the end of the West and the emergence of the new multipolar world order. The BRICS alliance is at the heart of the transit dynamic and constitutes the engine of Multipolarism…

23.05.2024 Veniamin Popov

Recently, the European Union and other Western European states have been facing a growing crisis. This state of affairs was best characterised by French President E. Macron, who in several speeches at the end of April and beginning of May stated that Europe was in mortal danger. He also stressed that “everything could fall apart very quickly”. Some Russian political analysts believe that for the past two years the economies of most European Union countries have been in a virtual standstill, especially Germany, which Bloomberg has dubbed “the sick man of Europe”…

23.05.2024 Bakhtiar Urusov

As the social and economic problems of the Western countries increase, the populations of their overseas territories and the subordinate countries of the Global South with puppet regimes are increasingly arguing in favour of the struggle for autonomy. We may be on the threshold of a revival of the anti-colonial movement of the 1960s of the twentieth century…

14.05.2024 Veniamin Popov

A series of reports by the RAND Corporation, America’s largest think tank, commissioned by the Pentagon, are expected to be released on 30 April. An American newspaper obtained a copy of the document and gave a summary of its contents. The essence of the RAND Corporation study is that the US is approaching a decline from which few major powers have ever recovered…

09.05.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

During his inauguration on May 7, 2024, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin addressed his people and the world with the rhetoric of the most experienced statesman in the modern world. His speech, the key points of which we have deciphered, reassures the majority of the planet with the exception of the Western minority (the unjust world), who welcomed it by grumbling and lamentably seeking to discredit its process…

08.05.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The Russia’s President Inauguration constitutes another important starting point both for our country and for all humanity – at the contemporary era decisive stage. And maybe now more than ever – it’s time to realize that there will be no going back. Just like the fact that the Western minority will no longer have any privileged position…

27.04.2024 Henry Kamens

It should come as no surprise that Ukraine is stooping to use low intelligence troops in its military, and there are even allegations of them using those with DOWNs Syndrome. We also know how the US did the same thing during the Vietnam War—less the DOWNS recruits. As during the unpopular and illegal war in Vietnam, many of the clever ones are escaping the call-up to the military by paying bribes to get out of serving, or simply escaping the country…

22.03.2024 Vladimir Mashin

Europeans and Americans alike are tired of the war in Ukraine. Clear-headed people in the West realise that Russia cannot be defeated: the bravura statements of some officials can hardly hide the obvious truth that the Kiev regime is doomed. More and more observers are coming to the conclusion that the American elite is waging war to “fend off the challenge to its own hegemony”. In these circumstances, the new book “Defeat of the West” by Emmanuel Todd, a well-known French political scientist and anthropologist, is attracting a lot of attention in the West. According to the historian…