Archives Wetern crisis - New Eastern Outlook
09.05.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

During his inauguration on May 7, 2024, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin addressed his people and the world with the rhetoric of the most experienced statesman in the modern world. His speech, the key points of which we have deciphered, reassures the majority of the planet with the exception of the Western minority (the unjust world), who welcomed it by grumbling and lamentably seeking to discredit its process…

08.05.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The Russia’s President Inauguration constitutes another important starting point both for our country and for all humanity – at the contemporary era decisive stage. And maybe now more than ever – it’s time to realize that there will be no going back. Just like the fact that the Western minority will no longer have any privileged position…

27.04.2024 Henry Kamens

It should come as no surprise that Ukraine is stooping to use low intelligence troops in its military, and there are even allegations of them using those with DOWNs Syndrome. We also know how the US did the same thing during the Vietnam War—less the DOWNS recruits. As during the unpopular and illegal war in Vietnam, many of the clever ones are escaping the call-up to the military by paying bribes to get out of serving, or simply escaping the country…

22.03.2024 Vladimir Mashin

Europeans and Americans alike are tired of the war in Ukraine. Clear-headed people in the West realise that Russia cannot be defeated: the bravura statements of some officials can hardly hide the obvious truth that the Kiev regime is doomed. More and more observers are coming to the conclusion that the American elite is waging war to “fend off the challenge to its own hegemony”. In these circumstances, the new book “Defeat of the West” by Emmanuel Todd, a well-known French political scientist and anthropologist, is attracting a lot of attention in the West. According to the historian…

03.02.2024 Vladimir Mashin

This crisis is linked to the migration policy of the United States. Many migrants cross the border with Mexico. In November alone, there were about 250,000 attempts to cross the southern border. Most new arrivals will ask for asylum and be released into America, only to wait years (up to 5-6 years) for a decision on their claims. More than 3.1 million people have crossed the border since Biden became president. At least 1.7 million have arrived undetected or overstayed their visas. The state of Texas is particularly affected by the influx of illegal migrants. It occupies a special place in the USA…

21.01.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

A number of prominent voices, now including those in the West, are beginning to openly say that not only has the time of Western minority dominance over world affairs come to an end, but that the Western system as a whole is collapsing, with all its consequences. All this confirms the thesis that the future system of international relations implies not only the final establishment of a multipolar world order, but also a post-Western international order. Emmanuel Todd, a well-known French historian, sociologist, social anthropologist, writer and journalist, who once predicted the collapse of the USSR in 1976…

01.01.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The sheer inability of the collective West to force Russia into submission in Ukraine plus the fast-changing global opinion about the West in the context of the latter’s support for Israel’s brutal war on the Gazans has put the so-called ‘liberal-democratic’ world into a panic mode. The White House has already said that it will run out of money to fund Ukraine into 2024 unless the US Congress gives approval for more funding. This has led the Western war machine – primarily led by the US – to anticipate a possible defeat.

27.12.2023 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The successful movement forward of the main forces in the multipolar world, a de facto split between the West and the Global South, the ineffectiveness of sanctions pressure on truly sovereign countries, a growing push away from key elements of Western dominance and simply a massive global rejection of Western policies proved to be the most significant events of the outgoing year. 2023 is about to end. Although the outgoing year can hardly be called easy, it unconditionally ended in favor of supporters of a multipolar world order, causing irritation among those nostalgic for the bygone unipolar era. Overall, despite the collective West continuing to remain an extremely negative and destabilizing…

09.11.2023 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The vast majority of people on the planet today publicly condemn individuals who still call themselves “defenders of human rights” and other “freedoms” for actually being the primary culprits when it comes to defending the values they so loudly proclaim to adhere to. Particularly with regards to offenses committed against non-Western populations or those perceived by the West as not belonging to the “right” side. In fact, this did not take much to be exposed. From the perspective of the Western order and those who blindly follow it, the blood of the “wrong” people is worthless…

11.10.2023 Phil Butler

The ever-expanding list of Western sanctions on Russia has an unexpected and less-than-desirable effect. Central Asian countries are experiencing unheard-of growth due to Russian businesses and investors moving to the region. A brief look at Tajikistan’s 7.5% GDP growth, Uzbekistan’s predicted 6.5%, Kazakhstan at 5%, followed by Kyrgyzstan with 4.6%, and the brilliant economic warfare waged by the West is a losing proposition. North Americans and Europeans are the only people being hurt by the proxy war in Ukraine and its economic facets…

05.10.2023 Veniamin Popov

The current leaders of the Western European powers, acting under the guidance of Washington, for years have been going out of their way to impose new sanctions on Russia. By going into an anti-Russian frenzy, they have actually begun to harm themselves. This is best illustrated by the example of the United Kingdom and Germany. As the Saudi newspaper Arab News noted on September 13 this year, “the vast majority of people in the UK agree that the country is broken,” that it has reached a stage of decline that infects virtually every aspect of British life, from crumbling schools to a shortage of health practitioners and striking doctors and nurses…

26.09.2023 Veniamin Popov

Recently, the American media reported that a biography of Senator Mitt Romney, who has just announced his resignation, is being prepared for publication. A New York Times columnist read an excerpt from the book and “was struck by the depth of the senator’s contempt and disdain for much of the Republican Party, including many of his colleagues in the Senate.” He condemned their vanity, their venality and cowardice: he reserved particularly harsh words for the many senators “who would do or say anything for political power and influence.”…