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The conduct of the USA in the Asia-Pacific Region raises many questions as it clearly neglects its relations with ASEAN

The Biden administration’s contradictory foreign policy has raised doubts among regional experts about how seriously to take its repeated pledges to support the “central role” of ASEAN. In late August the White House administration announced that President Biden would not take up his invitation to the ASEAN summit in Jakarta, but would send Vice President Kamala Harris instead. Nevertheless, in early September, United States Air Force One did indeed fly to Asia, carrying Joe Biden first to the G20 meeting in New Delhi, and then on a state visit to the Vietnamese…

Nguyen Kien Van

The Next Pulitzer Goes to Whoever Cheerleads Armageddon

New York Times columnist and three-time Pulitzer Prize Winner Thomas Friedman once characterized his high school years as “one big celebration of Israel’s victory in the Six-Day War.” In his latest piece for the New York Times, the prize-winning writer foresees a similar celebration when Britain, Europe, and the United States completely rule Ukraine. Interestingly, Friedman spent his high school summers at Kibbutz HaHotrim, in Israel. This Kibbutz, was established in 1953 on the site of the depopulated Palestinian village of al-Tira. Some scholars claim this area…

Phil Butler

International complications following the murder of a Sikh community leader in Canada

In the second half of September, a relatively minor – at least in terms of international developments – and seemingly already forgotten incident which occurred three months ago in Canada rather unexpectedly took on global political significance. However, it had already cast a certain shadow on Canada’s relations with India. We are talking about the murder of a Sikh community leader in Surrey, British Columbia, which was committed on June 18 by two as-yet unknown persons in the parking lot in front of the local Sikh temple. Representatives of the Sikh community, consisting mostly of immigrants…

Vladimir Terehov