Archives Ukraine - Page 14 of 16 - New Eastern Outlook
21.03.2023 Konstantin Asmolov
Оружие РК

A year has passed since Russia launched a special military operation to denazify Ukraine’s criminal regime. Against this backdrop, various parties continue to try to draw South Korea into the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. According to the British newspaper The Telegraph, the Republic of Korea is currently ranked 27th out of 57 countries providing aid…

09.03.2023 Henry Kamens

When the scenario is all mapped out, with different and various levels of conflict between the West and Russia, it is easy to conclude that lots of preparation and game theory has gone into the proffered reports by various think tanks, RAND, Atlantic Council, NATO, EU, etc. But include that with the level of diligence, it is highly ironic…

09.03.2023 Dmitry Bokarev

In December 2022, media reports surfaced that Pakistan was supplying Ukraine with grenades for Soviet military equipment. Confirmation was provided by data on several flights of British military transport aircraft based in Romania that made frequent flights to and from Pakistan. And already in February 2023, Islamabad started to shamelessly supply its ammunition…

09.03.2023 Valery Kulikov

The current events in Ukraine and around Taiwan, as well as the US’s incessant pumping of new significant quantities of weapons into these regions, make it increasingly clear that the White House is on track to unleash World War III. The militarization of the national and global economies by the United States, combined with...

07.03.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

In a bid to expand the global alliance against Russia to defeat the latter in Ukraine and eventually bring a regime change in Moscow, the US is proactively seeking to enlist Israel’s support. Apparently, Washington has met some recent – although fragile – success. On February 23, the UN General Assembly passed a non-binding resolution demanding from Russia to end its military…

06.03.2023 Yuriy Zinin

“The West is Playing with Fire in Ukraine,” “The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict and the Achilles’ Heel,” “Why Europe is Splitting over Ukraine Arms Deliveries.” These and similar headlines in the Middle Eastern publications reflect the response of local media and political circles to the West’s recent increase in arms deliveries to Kyiv. According to local analysts, the West…

05.03.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

Any conflict and fighting will eventually end in peace, on conditions which will depend on the outcome and the balance of forces on the battlefield. From the very beginning of the Russian SMO in Ukraine, Turkey began to assume the role of an active mediator in the peaceful settlement…

03.03.2023 Phil Butler

Before I begin, let me say that we are all tired of rehashing the extent and character of western propaganda via corporate or elite-controlled media and channels. But we must be vigilant in calling them out, and in forcing through the dissenting view on Russia and other key subjects. With that, I give you another case of manufactured reality…

27.02.2023 Valery Kulikov

Recently, reports that Pakistan, which previously attempted to portray itself as a supporter of Russia, started to provide assistance to Ukraine, including weapons, against the backdrop of the special operation carried out by Moscow against the neo-fascist regime of Kyiv, have been increasingly published by media outlets other than Ukrainian...

24.02.2023 Brian Berletic

In recent weeks, the United States and its NATO allies have begun discussions about providing Ukraine with a wider array of weaponry ranging from Western main battle tanks and longer-range munitions, to even Western warplanes. The “doubling down” by the West comes at a time when NATO’s stockpiles of Soviet-era equipment runs…

22.02.2023 Phil Butler

In every mainstream media outlet from Berlin to Los Angeles, Vladimir Putin and Russia are losing in the conflict with Ukraine. The NATO proxy warriors and western think tank experts are endlessly reassuring citizens of the U.S. and other allied countries that Russia is on the ropes and ready for the knockout punch...

16.02.2023 Henry Kamens

Lots of things are going on now in the nexus between Georgia and Ukraine. Different camps are being organised, as if sides are lining up for a tug-of-war over Georgia having friendly relations with both Ukraine and the Russian Federation. The US government and some opposition parties don’t want Georgia and Russia to resume flights, and the US State Department…