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Archives Russia - Page 9 of 42 - New Eastern Outlook

Putin Lavrov

Security in the Asia-Pacific region: prospects of intraregional dialogue

At a meeting with senior officials from the Foreign Ministry Russian president Vladimir Putin proposed creating a new security architecture in Eurasia without the presence of foreign powers. In addition to highlighting the fundamental aspects of Russian foreign policy, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech at the meeting with senior staff of the Russian Foreign Ministry on June 14, 2024, commanded the attention of the entire rationally thinking world, including on serious issues of international cooperation, such as the necessity of dialogue on current security issues between multilateral associations in Eurasia…

Ksenia Muratshina

Behind the Myth of “Billions in Arms” Flowing into Ukraine

In a June 8, 2024, Bloomberg article titled, “Putin Is Running Out of Time to Achieve Breakthrough in Ukraine,” an optimistic prognosis was made regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine in favor of Kiev.

Brian Berletic

America’s Fortress Ukraine Does Not Have a Roof: Definitely NO Flying Maginot Line

It has finally come to the attention of Ukraine’s western masters that, to paraphrase a quote from WW2 about Hitler’s Atlantic wall, “NATO only made one big mistake when building their Fortress Ukraine, they forgot to put a roof on it”…

Seth Ferris