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Is the World Heading Towards World War 3?

With the ever-escalating tensions throughout the world, analysts, observers, and political analysts are anxious about the outbreak of an all-out war around the world. Talks about the possibility of the World War 3 are rife among the people. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist has also announced that the hand of the doomsday clock is closest ever to a global apocalypse – 90 seconds to midnight, amidst rising AI and nuclear threats…

Taut Bataut

Global Competition for Re-making the Middle East

Amongst the issues that Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza has exposed is the hollowness of the Western liberal ideas of free speech. That the collective West has no qualms about not waging wars is not a fresh revelation. At least ever since the end of the Second World War, the harbingers of liberalism have waged more wars – and killed more people – than those professing other ideologies and/or practising…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Look of Things After Russia’s May 9 Observance

On May 9th, Russia once again paid tribute to the tens of millions who perished defeating fascism in WW2. It’s been 79 years since the Soviet Union beat Hitler’s juggernaut back to Berlin. President Putin delivered a solemn address to all present and those watching via television and radio. The focus of the address framed for the world how the Western elites are currently revising history…

Phil Butler