Archives Palestine's plight - Page 3 of 6 - New Eastern Outlook
27.01.2024 Seth Ferris

You know something on a new level is going on when Bernie Sanders, a Jew who almost became US president, who normally just can’t bring himself to go back tracking on his claim that the war against Hamas must go on, in spite of the fact that everybody and anybody with half a mind releases that the unconditional support for Israel in its methods of mass murder, collective punishment, and revenge attacks, is on the level of being one of Hitler’s Willing Executioners…

18.01.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

While South Africa’s effort to refer Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for the latter’s possible contravention of the Genocide Convention is commendable, it may not lead to the desired relief. The ICJ concluded hearings for the genocide case, and as the world awaits the ruling, it is crucial to bear in mind that the court and its underlying system are unlikely to deliver Justice to Gazans. Restraining optimism in the process is crucial not only in preventing disappointment, but also in reserving mental energy to seek practical alternatives for sustainable peace…

17.01.2024 Nikolay Plotnikov

A new year, 2024, in the Middle East has begun with even more massive bombing by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) of the Gaza Strip. The International Confederation of Independent NGO groups Oxfam (secretariat based in Nairobi, Kenya) estimates that 250 Palestinians are being killed per day, far exceeding the daily death toll in other conflicts in recent years. According to the UN, as of 11 January, 23,469 people have been killed by the IDF in Gaza, 59064 wounded, 7,000 missing or buried under the rubble of buildings. Among the dead, 70 per cent are women and children…

15.01.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The military conflict between Hamas and Israel continues to top the international agenda. It is clear that the parties to the conflict have external support. And while in the case of Israel these are extra-regional forces (primarily the US and the countries of the collective West), the struggle of the Palestinian people finds supporters among regional and extra-regional countries. A special place in this list belongs to Iran, which is a principled opponent of the Zionist regime and the US hegemonic policy in the Middle East. Despite persistent Sunni-Shia tensions, Iran has demonstrated…

13.01.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

No one can dispute the fact that the formation of the State of Israel following the Second World War was the result of the decisions of key world players who determined both the outcome of the global war itself and the post-war world order. And in 1947, the USSR and the USA acted as such leading world actors. These two states defined the contours of the future world order in the form of a bipolar world system. This order was based on a balance of power and interests, and subsequently on the two world economic and military-political systems. The nuclear triad of both countries…

11.01.2024 Abbas Hashemite

More than 30000 Palestinians, including civilian women and children, have been killed by Israel since October 7, 2023, in Gaza. According to estimates, Israeli forces kill one child every 10 minutes and almost all the population of Gaza has become homeless. Israel is bombing refugee camps, mosques, churches, and hospitals with impunity. People in Gaza are facing a triangle of death as famine, drought, and war have attacked them simultaneously. Israel is hindering all the food supplies into the Gaza enclave. However, despite such war crimes by Israel, the international community and…

08.01.2024 Viktor Mikhin

The bloody massacre perpetrated by the distraught Israeli military led by Netanyahu against the civilian population in Gaza has a very negative impact on the whole situation in neighboring countries, thereby further exacerbating the already very turbulent situation in the region. In light of recent events, there have been a number of troubling developments in Iraq, where Shia militant groups such as Kataib Hizballah, Asaib Ahl Al-Haq and Badr have been at the forefront of the unrest. The head of Badr has said that the liberation of Palestine will begin in Iraq, and many militias have set up “support rooms”…

30.12.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

The ongoing violent conflict between Hamas and Israel has recorded more than 19,200 Palestinian deaths with 52,200 wounded as of December 18 this year. The Israel Defense Forces continues its offensive ground operation throughout the Gaza Strip (including in the northern, central and southern areas), ensures a continuous advance and does not consider civilian targets (be it a school, hospital or residential neighborhoods). According to media reports, Israel has already dropped about 29,000 bombs on Gaza (about the same number of bombings were carried out by the US and British Air Forces in 2003 in Iraq)…

25.12.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The rampage that Israel has created in Gaza is not just a reaction against Hamas’ October 7 attacks that killed more than 1100 hundred Israelis. The callous destruction being inflicted upon the Gazans is not simply about eliminating Hamas, either. In fact, the ongoing Israeli military campaign – and the West’s support for it – is now aimed at a much bigger target: the total social and political annihilation of everything that stands for Palestine in that part of the world. The mission, in simple words, is to make Palestine, i.e., Gaza and the West Bank, simply unlivable for the people…

21.12.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

After a week-long humanitarian pause, the military conflict in the Gaza Strip has not only been renewed, but has taken a new form. As we know, as part of its justification for its actions, Israel initially warned that the Palestinians should leave the northern areas of the Gaza Strip and head south for their own safety. As a result, almost the entire northern part of the Gaza strip was subjected to intense air and ground attacks by the Israeli armed forces, and a large number of residential and administrative buildings were destroyed in order to force civilians into a mass exodus…

20.12.2023 Abbas Hashemite

Israel has killed over 21700 Palestinians since October 7, 2023, in its genocidal campaign in Gaza. Most of the Palestinians martyred include children and women in this massacre. As per reports, almost 92 journalists have also been killed in this recent war between Israel and Hamas. The United Nations and many human rights organizations around the world have called for humanitarian peace in Gaza. However, this appeal has been rejected and vetoed by Israel and the United States respectively. The latter, along with many of its allies, is, unequivocally…

18.12.2023 Henry Kamens

Is Mother Nature providing biological weapons for use against Palestinians in Gaza? In theory, YES: however, nothing highly deadly (fatal) has evolved in recent years without some human assistance along the way. I suspect the “weaponized strains” of cholera that they have at the Eliava Phage Institute, Tbilisi Georgia, would be almost as effective as a neutron bomb, and even when compared to other weapons, “a biological weapon can be more effective, pound for pound, than the hydrogen bomb”, and when further combined with other ESPs, especially dangerous pathogens…