Archives Palestine's plight - New Eastern Outlook
26.07.2024 Vladimir Mashin

The massacre of Palestinians continues into its tenth month. According to the Gaza Health Ministry (GHM), the death toll has exceeded 38,000, but these figures are conservative as medics only count those admitted to hospitals. Thousands more are believed to be buried under the rubble of destroyed neighbourhoods that have yet to be rebuilt.

24.07.2024 Abbas Hashemite

As per report, at least, 40000 Palestinians have lost their lives since October 7, 2023. The war crimes and genocide committed by the Israeli forces against the Palestinian civilians, since the start of the Israel-Hamas War, have been condemned by the majority of the world’s people and states. However, the response from the Muslim countries to Israeli war crimes has not been impressive. On 19th July 2024, Pakistan emerged as one of the few Muslim countries to have taken a hardcore approach towards Israel.

19.07.2024 Viktor Mikhin

The horrific destruction of Palestinians in Gaza by brutal IDF soldiers is in its ninth month. During this time, the Israelis have committed all imaginable and unimaginable crimes of a military nature, against humanity and against the financial and economic situation of the Palestinians. If the current government – and Netanyahu himself – persist in their harsh tactics in Gaza, Israel’s security crisis could become irreparable, raising critical questions about the future existence of the state.

20.05.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

The US is ideologically inclined to support Israel in its endeavor to eliminate Palestinians and establish a larger Israeli state, as a way of legitimizing its creation model. As Israel continues with Rafah Operation, completely blockades to ultimately eliminate Gazans (as a people) and occupy the land many leaked plans show, Washington looks at Israel with the pride a father has for a child that shows his traits he cherishes…

08.05.2024 Abbas Hashemite

With every single day passing, Israel has been breaking the records of brutality and war crimes in Gaza since October 7, 2023. The Israel-Hamas war has been continuing for months now. More than 34000 people, the majority of civilian women and children, have been killed in Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Israeli forces have been using various illegal weapons to torture civilians in the occupied land…

07.05.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The colossal level of the West-backed destruction of life in Palestine and the (im)moral and material support the state of Israel has received from the US and its allies in Europe was enough to put serious question marks on the credibility, legitimacy, and acceptability of Western notions of democracy as the ideal form of government that must be universalised…

20.04.2024 Viktor Mikhin

For the past 14 months, large numbers of Israeli demonstrators have been gathering to demand the removal of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Initially, the protests were aimed at defending the independence of Israel’s judiciary, but after the Hamas attack on 7 October, they began to demand that Netanyahu be held accountable for everything that has happened since that sad day for Israelis. The general consensus in the country is that Netanyahu will be unceremoniously sent into retirement at some point in the coming weeks or months…

15.04.2024 Viktor Mikhin

The unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe faced by the civilian Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip may be about to shape new political realities, but it is unlikely to keep Rafah, on the border with Egypt, safe from an Israeli offensive. There will be a new massacre and new victims, primarily the elderly, women and children. And the rest of the world, because of the West’s policies, will stand idly by, unable to take decisive action to stop these crimes.

11.04.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Israel is continuing its military operations in the Gaza Strip, where the focus of a devastating war is shifting to the southern town of Rafah, threatening a massive catastrophe for the more than one million Palestinian refugees who have flocked to the borders with Egypt in the hope of humanitarian aid and rescue. Tel Aviv, represented by Prime Minister Netanyahu and the heads of the security services, has repeatedly declared the readiness of the defence forces to launch an operation. Each time, however, Israel has paused and limited itself to targeted military action in this direction.

09.04.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Last week, Washington’s decision to abstain from voting allowed the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to pass the resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. This would be remembered as one of those rare occasions where the US did not use its veto power to protect Israel. More importantly, the Israeli prime minister’s office termed the US decision to not veto the resolution as a “clear retreat” from Washington’s previous uncritical commitment to protecting Israel…

08.04.2024 Seth Ferris

Only now can we see that there may be more justification than just political mudslinging for Joe Biden being called “Genocide Joe.” Nonetheless, the US is starting to charge its tune over Gaza and the plight of the Palestinians, not out of altruist reasons, or from realizing that Israel has gone too far in getting “its pound of flesh from over the heart”, but instead from basic political pragmatism. This phrase has come to symbolize an insistence on receiving repayment or justice, even if it results in extreme or unreasonable consequences….

26.03.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

With more than 30,000 Palestinians, including thousands of children, dead in Israel’s genocidal war on Palestine in Gaza since October 2023, Israel is still far from achieving its key strategic objective, i.e., to completely eliminate Hamas. Hamas, first of all, is not simply an entity that can be bombed out of existence; Hamas is an idea with deep penetration into Palestinian society. The idea it represents – which also led it to launch its October 7 attacks – is that a violent struggle…