Archives Palestine's plight - Page 2 of 6 - New Eastern Outlook
11.04.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Israel is continuing its military operations in the Gaza Strip, where the focus of a devastating war is shifting to the southern town of Rafah, threatening a massive catastrophe for the more than one million Palestinian refugees who have flocked to the borders with Egypt in the hope of humanitarian aid and rescue. Tel Aviv, represented by Prime Minister Netanyahu and the heads of the security services, has repeatedly declared the readiness of the defence forces to launch an operation. Each time, however, Israel has paused and limited itself to targeted military action in this direction.

09.04.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Last week, Washington’s decision to abstain from voting allowed the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to pass the resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. This would be remembered as one of those rare occasions where the US did not use its veto power to protect Israel. More importantly, the Israeli prime minister’s office termed the US decision to not veto the resolution as a “clear retreat” from Washington’s previous uncritical commitment to protecting Israel…

08.04.2024 Seth Ferris

Only now can we see that there may be more justification than just political mudslinging for Joe Biden being called “Genocide Joe.” Nonetheless, the US is starting to charge its tune over Gaza and the plight of the Palestinians, not out of altruist reasons, or from realizing that Israel has gone too far in getting “its pound of flesh from over the heart”, but instead from basic political pragmatism. This phrase has come to symbolize an insistence on receiving repayment or justice, even if it results in extreme or unreasonable consequences….

26.03.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

With more than 30,000 Palestinians, including thousands of children, dead in Israel’s genocidal war on Palestine in Gaza since October 2023, Israel is still far from achieving its key strategic objective, i.e., to completely eliminate Hamas. Hamas, first of all, is not simply an entity that can be bombed out of existence; Hamas is an idea with deep penetration into Palestinian society. The idea it represents – which also led it to launch its October 7 attacks – is that a violent struggle…

20.03.2024 Abbas Hashemite

After five months of compliance with Israel’s genocidal onslaughts in Gaza, the United States airdropped 38000 meals for the first time in March 2024. This move has largely been criticized by aid groups and observers around the world due to its inefficacy and the United States’ paradoxical role in this war. Skepticism looms large over this aid program launched by the Biden administration, as it is perceived as a divergence tactic to tranquilize the burgeoning criticism at home and…

13.03.2024 Taut Bataut

Since October 7, 2023, Israel has been conducting indiscriminate genocidal operations in the Gaza Strip. According to the United Nations, the number of Palestinians killed, or maimed in this war has exceeded, 100000 since the commencement of the war. Persistent Israeli genocide in Gaza even poses a long-term threat to the global environment. Heavy usage of lethal ammunition by the Israeli forces has done irreversible damage to the climate. Sources suggest that Israel has used 65000 tons of explosives in Gaza…

02.03.2024 Seth Ferris

Looking at the situation in Gaza reminds me of a quote from the novel “Brave New World”, to learn a lesson between historical developments and the dystopian vision presented in Aldous Huxley’s novel “whereby the first half of the 20th Century was the era of the technical engineers, the second half may be the era of the social engineers” – and the 21st Century, I suppose will be the era of World Controllers, the scientific caste system, and the Brave New World…

27.02.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

On February 20th, 2024, the US vetoed for the third time a UNSC resolution presented by Algeria, calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza. The resolution was supported by 13, out of 15 members, but the self-styled democratic Washington could not stand letting the majority decide; note the hypocrisy. The veto shows Americans’ commitment to keeping the potential elimination of Palestinians going. Similarly, the UK declined to support this resolution, showing its deep support or tacit coalition with Washington…

21.02.2024 Veniamin Popov

Israel’s war against the Palestinians in Gaza has been going on for five months. The majority condemned the actions of the Israeli authorities, as evidenced by the UNGA resolution of December 2023, according to which 153 countries were in favour of a ceasefire, as well as the decision of the International Criminal Court, which in fact considered these actions as genocide. To date, this terrible war has caused the death of 100 thousand people, more than one third of the houses have been destroyed, almost 1.5 million people are on the verge of starvation – all this causes outrage of the world community…

13.02.2024 Veniamin Popov

The genocide perpetrated by Israel in Gaza against Palestinians under US patronage has had an enormous impact on developing countries. Four months of Israeli military action against the Palestinians had been a watershed in the attitude of the Global South towards the West: the number of civilians killed and wounded, most of them women and children, was approaching 100,000; in an enclave of nearly 2.5 million people, one third of the houses had been completely destroyed. This has not just shown the hypocrisy of the Western Powers with their constant policy of double standards…

02.02.2024 Taut Bataut

The year 2023 ended with many persisting wars and conflicts around the world. People and analysts around the world see the prevailing genocide by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza shifting into a protracted conflict with an uncertain end. Israel’s massacre threatens the peace across the Middle Eastern region and imperils global trade…

30.01.2024 Taut Bataut

Since October 7, 2023, around 100000 Palestinians have been reported missing, killed, or injured in the Israel-Hamas war. Israel is committing ethnic cleansing in the Gaza enclave. The Israeli government has put the ounce of this war totally on Hamas. However, analysts around the world see this claim with much suspicion. Israeli forces are conducting indiscriminate operations in the Gaza Strip. Many hospitals, schools, Mosques, and Churches have been bombed by the Israeli forces in Gaza since October 7. More than 100 hundred journalists have…