Archives France - Page 3 of 5 - New Eastern Outlook
10.01.2024 Phil Butler

According to a recent Council of Foreign Relations report, Russia’s growing influence results from a massive disinformation campaign. Those who read the report with an objective eye will quickly notice the earmarks of America’s disinformation campaign against the Russians. Where Russia-Africa relations are concerned, CFR and other sources cite Wagner PMC, weapons trade, and some form of Russian neocolonialism as major factors of the so-called “Russia shift.” That notorious “domino effect” Washington used to justify the Vietnam War appears to already be in motion in Africa…

25.12.2023 Viktor Goncharov

France has suffered another geopolitical setback in Africa. On December 2, Burkina Faso and Niger announced their withdrawal from all G5 Sahel bodies, an institutional framework initiated by the leaders of Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Mali, Niger and Chad in 2014 and finally formed in 2017. On December 6, the Presidents of Mauritania and Chad also announced their withdrawal from the organization. Among the reasons for withdrawing from the alliance cited by the military leaders of the first two countries was the organization’s inability to effectively solve not only economic…

16.12.2023 Viktor Goncharov

Immediately after the death of Chadian President Idriss Déby, who died in April 2021 from wounds sustained in fighting with rebels in the north of the country, the military announced the dissolution of parliament and government and the establishment of a Transitional Military Council headed by his son, thirty-seven-year-old General Mahamat Idriss Déby. In doing so, the military ignored the constitutional provision that upon the death of the head of state, the presidency is temporarily transferred to the president of the National Assembly, who within 90 days must hold…

10.12.2023 Vladimir Terehov

Before the EU and China summit…

23.11.2023 Viktor Goncharov

Minutes after the news that Ali Bongo Ondimba had once again won the presidential election in the Gabonese capital, Libreville, on 30 August this year, a group of military officers announced onGabon 24 television channel that he had been removed from power, the results of the election annulled, the Government dissolved, the borders closed and a Committee for the Transition and Restoration of State Authority established. The committee, which was headed by the Commander of the Republican Guard, General Brice Oligui Nguema, comprised members of the regular army, the Republican Guard and other security forces…

21.11.2023 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The very recent liberation of the key Malian town of Kidal – and in a much shorter time than some experts had anticipated – came as a real shock to all neo-colonial forces in the West and opponents of the African-Russian alliance. Two key areas were recently analysed – the fact that the West is very reluctant to believe in the military successes of African countries (without the participation of Western forces), although it still has to, and that the current French and Western information attacks against Mali and a number…

17.11.2023 Boris Kushhov

The French President Emmanuel Macron’s tour of Central Asia, who visited Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, came to an end on November 2 in Tashkent. The French president’s rhetoric this time was almost exactly the same as it had been during his summer visit to Mongolia. “This is the path for your country, which refuses to be a vassal of any powers and wants to maintain balanced relations with different countries in the interest of your people.” Such statements, with only minor variations, haunt the French president’s revolving entourage of interlocutors…

14.11.2023 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

While the national army of Mali continues its offensive against terrorist and armed groups in territories that the central authorities have ceased to control for many years now, thereby tackling the issue of the country’s security and territorial integrity, Western propaganda tools are back to their old ways. Even though neither the African countries themselves nor other world regions no longer trust the methods used by the latter. All this is quite as expected. After the blow dealt to France and other Western regimes, former colonial powers, both in Mali and in other…

13.11.2023 Viktor Goncharov

Notwithstanding that three months have already passed after overthrowing of President Mohamed Bazoum in Niger and coming into power of military servicemen headed by the Commander of the Republican Guard General Abdourahamane Tchiani, the development of the situation in this country still is in the focus of close attention. And it is connected, in the first turn, with the contradictions that arose between the two main external players – France and its senior partner, the USA, with regard to the ways and means of resolving this crisis.  The fact is that, of all the Western countries…

02.11.2023 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The trend of a number of Western so-called experts is unchanged. And it is based on the fact that without the participation of Western forces, non-Western states, in particular African states, will not be able to cope with security problems. At the same time, as it often happens, they forget to remind about the true causes of those very security problems. And also, at the very least, downplaying or denying the successes shown by the armed forces of a number of African countries in co-operation with non-Western allies. The position of Mali is very interesting…

28.10.2023 Boris Kushhov

On October 10 Mongolia’s president, Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh, landed in Paris. Upon arrival, as he stepped onto the boarding ramp he was formally welcomed by the French Ambassador to Mongolia, the Mongolian Ambassador to France and the French Minister of Energy. On October 11, the Mongolian president had a meeting with the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo. Among the matters they touched on during their meeting were a number of the most pressing issues affecting Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital…

15.10.2023 Viktor Goncharov

On 26 July 2023, senior members of Niger’s presidential guard, normally tasked with protecting President Mohamed Bazoum, announced that they had ousted him from power, holding him hostage inside his official residence. Subsequently, on 28 July, General Abdourahamane Tiani, the commander of the presidential guard, declared himself the head of the military-run National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland, and the former chief of army staff, General Salifou Mody, who was dismissed by President Bazoum in March, was appointed his deputy…