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The China Factor in the Meeting between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden

The meeting between Presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, held on June 16 in Geneva, was certainly a notable event in modern politics. As expected, it garnered attention among the public for a variety of reasons. And the interest in the summit has continued to grow...

Vladimir Terehov

What is Biden’s “Build Back Better World” (B3W)?

Announced at the archaic “Group of 7” summit (G7 in mid-June - the “Build Back Better World” (B3W initiative is billed by Western governments and the Western corporate media as a plan that “could rival” China’s One Belt, One Road initiative (OBOR. Yet even its announcement - surely the easiest phase of the overall initiative - fell flat. Not a single actual...

Brian Berletic

On the “Cornwall Consensus” as One of the Outcomes of Biden's European Tour

US President Joe Biden’s week-long tour of Europe in the first half of June this year was a rather remarkable event. Mainly because of the number of different events held in a short period of time with his (and the accompanying team’s participation. The sequence of these events was as follows: talks with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson...

Vladimir Terehov