Democratic National Convention – a new step towards the division of the United States
On August 22, the Democratic National Convention held in Chicago almost unanimously nominated Kamala Harris as a US presidential candidate. Although she stated in her speech that she intends to be president for all Americans, Harris nevertheless emphasised that if D. Trump is elected to the White House, the country will face huge troubles – if not a catastrophe…
Joe Biden’s Legacy: Wars for American Supremacy
With Joe Biden, all set to exit the White House later this year, his one-term presidency has begun to come under increasing scrutiny to determine his legacy. What sort of President Biden is/was? To what extent was he able to achieve his foreign policy goals? What characterizes his era? Unlike Trump’s “Make America Great Again” and subsequent US “exit” from the Middle East and America’s “forever wars” in Afghanistan, Biden’s main legacy is his interventionist foreign policy. These interventions, however, were unlike the direct military interventions of the Bush and the Obama administrations.
Joe Biden NOT FIT 2-Run for President BUT FIT to “Be President?”
There are just too many unanswered questions: just pretend I am a naive student in an American High School, taking a course in American government, and I would have the audacity to ask: “How is it that President Biden is not fit to run for president but he is fit to be president? Is that not a conundrum?” Under such circumstances, how will the replacement be picked; I also think the Democratic Party is not fit to be a party!!
The deepening crisis of the West
The dramatic events of July this year have shaken not only America, but the entire Western community. The ongoing standoff between the two major American parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, has caused the world to take a different look at the capabilities of the United States. The fact that Biden stubbornly assured everyone of his ability to lead the United States for another four years, before doing a U-turn overnight, under pressure from senior figures in the Democratic Party, has caused America’s image in the eyes of the world to fade…
Kamala Harris: the new US president?
President Joe Biden’s decision to end his re-election campaign has evoked shock and many questions in the American political landscape. At the same time, he endorsed the candidacy of Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor, calling on Democrats to rally around her.
Presidential debates between two losers
Many commentators, including from the United States, reacted negatively to the debate between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump with a mixture of disapproval and disappointment. Biden and Trump took part in the debate, organised by CNN at the headquarters of the channel in Atlanta, without an audience in the studio and in a format where microphones were turned off when the candidates exceeded the speaking time or interrupted each other.
Is the US on the brink of civil war?
For decades, the US government has supported wars, insurgencies, covert operations and the overthrow of unfriendly governments abroad. Today, pundits are wondering whether the era of the “American Century” has come to an end. Many Americans are now turning to Civil War narratives for information as concerns grow about potential civil unrest…
The intensity of the US presidential campaign is leading to an even greater schism in American society
Donald Trump consistently scolds Joe Biden, and the latter practically responds in the same way – both sides do not shy away from the rudeness in their expressions. The essence of the campaign was recently described by the Washington Post newspaper, noting that “the ability of our leaders to translate the will of the people into a reasonable policy looks shaky”. Ordinary Americans do not trust the government: “Congress is historically unpopular, with more than 80% of voters disapproving of its work; for the first time in decades of polling, Americans hold more negative views of the Supreme Court and opinion polls regularly report general dissatisfaction with the choice of president”.
The U.S.: Student Unrest and Government Policies
The recent events unfolding in American universities have shocked people around the world who have watched peaceful student protesters being violently arrested, beaten and demonized by armed police, pro-Israel groups and authorities. Many members of American society, most notably professors, have strongly condemned the administration and law enforcement agencies for treating students as dangerous criminals, expressing shock and dismay at the unprecedented level of violence now taking place on the campuses of various universities in the so-called democratic United States…
The US: Foreign Policy Assessments Are Becoming More Critical
Some Western European media outlets report that assessments of Washington’s foreign policy are becoming more and more negative in the Global South. And here they see, first and foremost, the hand of Moscow. Meanwhile, US actions on the war in Gaza are condemned by virtually the entire international community. For example, Indonesia said that US vetoes in the Security Council favoring Israel “betrayed the shared aspiration to build lasting peace in the Middle East.” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas stressed that in fact the US is committing aggression against the Palestinian people…
The deepening gap between the West and the Global South
We are currently witnessing a reformatting of the entire system of international relations – the most striking features of this process are the weakening of the influence of the Western powers and the strengthening of the positions of those states that used to be called developing countries. Some call this phenomenon the emergence of a truly multipolar world…
Interview with the Russian leader: a Middle East perspective
“Putin, Carlson and the American people”, “Interview changing the future of political media”, “Putin and Biden”. These and other media headlines reflect the perception and assessments in the media space of the Middle East of the interview of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin given to the American journalist T. Biden. Putin’s interview with the American journalist T. Carlson. Carlson. It made the pages of many Arab newspapers and remains a topic of local commentators. A number of authors note that the dialogue between the two in the Kremlin is noteworthy because it opens missing doors for understanding the hot international conflict…