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Who is Blocking the Supply of Oil Needed by Europe?

The global energy crisis and the US anti-Russian sanctions due to the special operation in Ukraine have led to the fact that Europe is now spending about 10% of GDP on energy resources, according to analysts of Black Rock, one of the world’s largest investment companies. The last time the Old World spent this much was more than 40 years ago...

Vladimir Danilov

A World At Odds: The Great Principles Wipe

The world of analysts has missed something critical, something fundamental for explaining what’s going on. We’re so focused on the symptoms of the great reset that’s been going on, that we’ve overlooked that which will reveal the end game. The techniques, the strategies being used, their breadth, and the essence of the psychological warfare being waged...

Phil Butler

World Conflicts: What Comes After Racism?

Most of the world’s conflicts take place without anyone noticing, unless you happen to be one of the unfortunates caught up in it. Even when other countries send in troops, the most anyone offers is fine words, and the casualties are accepted as collateral damage, or less than human when they flee to another country from events anyone can see on the news in that...

Seth Ferris