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Germany has made the decision to establish its own NATO

Vladimir Danilov, February 09

Recent events have increased the European society’s disdain for Washington’s policies and the desire for independence from the United States due to the White House’s paranoid ambition to rule the world, including Europe, and the European Union’s deteriorating status as an economic annex of NATO under proxy management by the United States and Britain.

In contrast to the Baltic countries, willing, herd-style, to go to any length for US patronage, anti-American sentiments have recently become especially active in Germany, which aspired to be the European leader following London’s Brexit. Therefore, it is not surprising that last summer the German Bundestag heard more and more calls for the EU to prepare for the dissolution of NATO and the return of European sovereignty. At the same time the intensity of criticism of German politicians grew against the United States that has ceased to reckon with the interests of partners trying to weaken Russia and unleash an energy crisis in the EU. In her interview to Chinese newspaper Global Times Sevim Dağdelen, German Bundestag deputy from the Left Party, spoke directly about the need for the European Union to prepare for the dissolution of NATO and to conduct its own policy that would not require the member states to abandon their own interests to please the US. The parliamentarian explained that “the long-term goal must be the dissolution of NATO and its replacement by a collective security system, which will be totally disarmament- and cooperation-oriented.” Dağdelen stressed that on the issue of the conflict in Ukraine, EU and US interests are completely at odds with each other, as the United States “is ready to fight to the last Ukrainian for the military defeat of Russia.”

The fact that US and EU interests have recently seriously diverged, although they have never been united, is also acknowledged by Bundestag MP Waldemar Gerdt. According to him, the US has always viewed the EU as just another colony – just like the rest of Europe. “Today, the relationship with the East is completely destroyed. There is no independence of decisions now. There is a hundred percent dependence on the United States. This is proved by all those decisions that are taken against their own economy, against their own people, against their own sovereignty,” the deputy explained. Due to the fact that the decisions today are not taken voluntarily, but under pressure of who the EU is completely dependent on, Gerdt believes that the dissolution of NATO is, although still an unrealistic prospect, but very much desirable. “It will happen when the EU collapses and each country begins to build its own sovereign policy and worries about its security by creating its own army,” the German MP is convinced.

Today, German citizens have to watch with sadness how not only the United States and the UK, but also all those who were admitted to the EU and NATO in waves of expansion, about the negative consequences of which Russia spoke with dismay for decades, began to speak about their country in the most humiliating terms. Germany, at the apparent beckoning from Washington, began to be reproached for something that traditionally was the pride and foundation of its foreign policy – dialogue with the East, large economic and energy projects with Russia, which contributed to the competitiveness of German products.

By unleashing such a critical atmosphere around Germany through its European vassals, especially Poland and the Baltic states, the United States is clearly seeking to curb German society and reformat it to fit into a more Russophobic ideology. In addition, the world is witnessing a clear encouragement of the military interstate integration of Poland and the Baltic states, which in the future may become more than strong enough to compete against Germany, especially given Warsaw’s ongoing claims for reparations from Berlin.

Against this background, Germany has recently begun to focus on independently (from the United States, that is) strengthening its own army and security, and launched a course that will make it the biggest European state in terms of defense spending, with the most advanced air force and a growing military presence in Central and Eastern Europe. It has, according to US media estimates, deployed its long-standing military foreign policy. Last June, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz declared that Germany would soon have “the largest conventional army in Europe” among the North Atlantic Alliance countries, thus commenting on the parliament’s approval of the legal basis for the 107 billion euro special fund for the Bundeswehr.

An important milestone in the strengthening of the German army was the conclusion on November 30 at a meeting in Dresden between the Dutch Land Forces Commander Martin Wijnen and his German counterpart Alphonse Maison of a confidential agreement within the framework of the Common Army Vision to merge the armed forces of the two countries. According to the plans that became known, The Netherlands’ 13th Light Brigade, based in Oirschot, would come under the command of Germany’s 10th Armored Division, resulting in an association of 50,000 troops, 8,000 of which would be Dutch. Berlin is also considering joint procurement of military equipment and harmonization of charters, and the integration is expected to be fully completed by the end of April this year.

In Germany itself, many remain skeptical about this decision, as the historical parallels between German and Dutch military integration, as well as the overall plans for militarization of Germany, are rather obvious. In particular, due to the existence of foreign legions in Hitler’s Germany, as well as the actual subordination of Austrian military commanders during World War I to the Kaiser’s military command.

It cannot be ruled out that the next ground troops after the Netherlands, which will be commanded by Berlin, will be those of Finland, thus emphasizing the creation of an alternative NATO coalition against Russia. At the same time, the coincidence of this military integration with Germany’s build-up of military equipment deliveries to Ukraine is clearly not accidental and indicates that Berlin intends in the Russophobic mood of the current European military and political elite to actively use the so-called “threat from the East” to strengthen not only its army, but also the overall military image of Germany.

However, in this situation, Berlin’s decision to send German “Leopards” to the “Eastern Front” in order to appease aggressive Russophobes in the United States and the European Union can undo not only Germany’s historical achievements as a leading European power, but also its civilized, peaceful future.

Vladimir Danilov, political observer, exclusively for the online journal “New Eastern Outlook.

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