31.05.2023 Henry Kamens

May 19, Tbilisi, Georgia – It is only starting now that the wheels are down and the first plane from Russia full of passengers landed with the possibility of better and ever-improving relations between Georgia and the Russian Federation. The first step after many years started with visa-free travel and direct flights. However, as an eyewitness to the arrival of the fight plane from Russia last week, and the ensuring token “show of force” by the Georgian opposition, I can understand the risks involved, especially in the realm of public relations and potential EU status. As always, anything that hints…

24.05.2023 Henry Kamens

Very seldom is something that can be so beneficial for one country attracted the wrath of so many others, as in the reaction to Russia affording Georgia visa-free status and direct flights, after so many years of travel and visa restrictions, recriminations, and name-calling. The US and the Georgian president also want to stop flights from resuming between the neighboring countries, which were suspended last year in the wake of the Ukrainian civil war, Russia’s special operation…

19.05.2023 Henry Kamens
EU for Georgia

So, the EU does not want Georgia now that it refuses to die for Ukraine or open a second front against Russia. It does not want to “Cut off its nose to spite its face”. Georgia’s EU candidacy status has been a carrot dangling from a stick in front of a donkey for many years, and has brought about some good results; however, a Georgian donkey is stubborn, and for good reason. It is so easy to frame everything into simple choices, especially when perceived by outsiders and the naïve…

01.04.2023 Henry Kamens

Spring is finally here, and it has been a very mild winter for Europe.  However, the month of March can be very unpredictable, and not only in terms of the weather. The National Endowment for Democracy, NED, CIA, is hard at work in Moldova and Georgia, and coming soon to Turkey, if it doesn’t just let it be and let nature run its course…

13.03.2023 Henry Kamens
Georgian Media

What is now attracting all the media hype these days in Georgia is a proposed law most people should care less about, at least at first impression? However, when you dive deeper into the murky waters you realise much more is involved than meets the eye. The ones complaining about it the most are the exact same ones…

10.03.2023 Brian Berletic

It is no coincidence that as Washington wages proxy war against Russia in Ukraine that familiar trouble spots elsewhere along Russia’s periphery have ignited again. In the Caucasus region nation of Georgia, protests have begun, targeting the current government and attempting to obstruct a transparency bill aimed at exposing…

20.02.2023 Vladimir Platov

In the rapidly changing situation around Russia’s successful special operation to denazify the criminal Ukrainian regime, the Biden administration decided to urgently replace its “overseer” in Ukraine - Ambassador Kelly Degnan. After all, against the background of the outright failure of the Russophobic adventure...

16.02.2023 Henry Kamens

Lots of things are going on now in the nexus between Georgia and Ukraine. Different camps are being organised, as if sides are lining up for a tug-of-war over Georgia having friendly relations with both Ukraine and the Russian Federation. The US government and some opposition parties don’t want Georgia and Russia to resume flights, and the US State Department…

01.02.2023 Henry Kamens

Mass shootings are mostly a Western thing, and most commonly American, where with distressing frequency a new shooter brings about carnage and raises calls to ban assault weapons. But the same is now happening in places such as Georgia, which is paying the price for trying to improve its lot by being uncritical US ally...

26.01.2023 Seth Ferris

You would imagine the Russia-Ukraine conflict to be a political dispute. News coverage focuses on the political claims of both sides, and the military operations and economic and political sanctions resulting from these. But it is becoming ever more obvious that this is actually the Forth Crusade reborn. Under the radar, efforts are being made to divide Orthodoxy...

09.01.2023 Henry Kamens

Reports of Georgian soldiers dying in the fight for Ukraine’s independence are at first impression heartwarming, at least for the naïve. BUT when you dig deeper into this story, you soon realise that their plight is of their own choice, and motivated by financial considerations, not solidarity or standing up for a fledgling democracy...

08.11.2022 Henry Kamens

It would be easy to dismiss the latest incidents in the Armenian-Azeri conflict zone as more of the same; however, when you read the headlines in the US media, the New York Times for instance, more may be involved. Could not the US send someone besides Nancy Pelosi as an envoy to stir the pot? There is no need...