16.07.2024 Henry Kamens

It seems like Mamuka Mamulashvili, the so-called head of the Georgian Legion*, is claiming that someone has tried to poison him, again, with sad pictures of him recovering from his hospital bed. Here we go again, the Georgian Legion* mercenary leader in Ukraine has allegedly been poisoned three times, according to him.

27.06.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The Southern Caucasus is increasingly becoming an arena for conflicting interests of global and regional players. International Transit Communications (ITCs) projects throughout the region are a consequence of the multipolar world that has emerged. However, while the prospects for gains from the implementation of the ITCs are obvious, threats of new conflicts remain…

06.06.2024 Henry Kamens

The U.S. is now proposing stringent visa restrictions targeting individuals in the Georgian government and their families, despite Georgia being considered a strategic partner. That is only for starters, considering the Georgia is unwilling to toe-the-line as a US-styled banana republic…

17.05.2024 Henry Kamens

The Country of Georgia, which has been billed as one of America’s closest and strategic partners, has recently gone against the tide by overwhelmingly passing what is most often described as a Foreign Agents Bill, i.e., a transparency bill, it should be noted that this bill is supported by a majority of Georgians, not that you would know that from the biased western media coverage…

01.05.2024 Bair Danzanov

On April 15, 2024, the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev paid an official visit to Armenia. These two states are partners in a number of international organizations – the CSTO (despite turbulence related to the attitude of the Armenian leadership to this organization), the EAEU, the CIS, and the OSCE. Bilateral trade is developing dynamically: trade turnover between Kazakhstan and Armenia increased by 23% from $43.1 million to $53.1 million at the end of 2023 compared to the beginning of the year…

22.04.2024 Brian Berletic

Throughout the 21st century, the United States has invaded and occupied multiple nations, including Afghanistan in 2001, Iraq in 2003, and Syria in 2014. It has also led to military interventions rendering once prosperous nations into failed states, including Libya from 2011 onward…

21.04.2024 Henry Kamens

Something is in the works in Georgia, besides a unanimous vote on a law that the West does not want. On April 17, the ruling Georgian Dream party passed the “Foreign Agents Law” in its first reading, with 83 votes in favor and none against. The fanfare over the bill is just the beginning of what is to come next, and this is more revealing than the vote itself and the wording of the bill…

11.04.2024 Henry Kamens

Here we go again, all the three- and four-letter agencies have been at work for years in Georgia, relatively in the open, especially those funded by USAID, the US State Department, the EU, and a list of foreign intelligence services. The list goes on and on, and the purpose is clear, to destabilize Georgia’s fledgling democracy under the guise of helping it. The more they attack the proposed draft legislative act that will force NGOs to publicly declare the source of their funding, the more it seems like a good ideal – as it proves why such legislation is needed…

02.04.2024 Henry Kamens

The more I watch the Armenian government and its increasing desire to divorce itself from its traditional protector, Russia, and join the EU and NATO, the more I wonder what possible logic they could be following? I am constantly wondering what the leadership in Yerevan is thinking, and what information they have which is not public. Maybe there is a method to their madness. Armenia wants to give more land to Azerbaijan, with a promise from the US that it will protect it, and that is really delusional…

25.03.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

From the end of the 18th century, the Ottoman Empire and later the Republic of Turkey began to use the Islamic-identity factor in the North Caucasus to neutralize the natural course of Russian historical expansion southwards and to restrict the Russian Empire’s access to the southern (Black and Caspian) seas and the Caucasus. After the brilliant victories of the Russian army over Persia in the first quarter of the 19th century, the Turks realized that Russia’s liberation mission towards Christian Armenians and Georgians would lead to a new Caucasian war with the Sublime Porte…

21.02.2024 Henry Kamens

When a politician, even a figurehead one, such as Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, goes against the official policy of her government, in this case the ruling Georgian Dream Party, by showing up for the recent Munich Security Conference…

07.02.2024 Henry Kamens

Georgia has long been recognized as a transit point for all sorts of illegal trade between Central Asia, The Middle East, and Europe. It is in the direct interest of Western law enforcement and intelligence services to understand this conduit so that they can anticipate goods movements, which can have a drastic impact on both national communities and foreign civil and military deployments. On the 5th of February 2024, the Georgian State Security Service, (SSS) has announced that an attempt to smuggle plastic explosives into Russia by the Daryal Pass had been thwarted…