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Georgia’s Involvement in Foreign Wars and Conflicts Comes Home to Roost

Henry Kamens, February 01, 2023

Mass shootings are mostly a Western thing, and most commonly American, where with distressing frequency a new shooter brings about carnage and raises calls to ban assault weapons. But the same is now happening in places such as Georgia, which is paying the price for trying to improve its lot by being uncritical US ally, rather than a partner in the actual meaning of the term.

A gunman has opened fire from his balcony, killing six people, including a police officer, and injuring five others in the eastern Georgian town of Sagarejo before taking his own life. Local media has identified the man as Nodar Atuashvili, who served in Georgia’s armed forces between 2006 and 2021, in a “blood for bread”-type scenario.

As we might imagine, there is much more to this story than the simple facts as reported by Radio Free Europe. It may have far reaching implications, especially in terms of access to weapons and criminal links to Ukraine, as the weapons Atuashvili used were his own, and derived from his service in that conflict.

How come?

Many are asking whether former soldiers should be allowed to have weapons and explosives at home. Of course, they shouldn’t but we should not be surprised that they do, and that this shooting was one of the consequences.

Considering the number of weapons held in Georgia, and the links between this and the ongoing situation in Ukraine, US Special Services, and how a coup is being prepared by some in the UNM and the Georgian Legion, this was going to happen eventually. No one ever really thought that these weapons would only be used under direct US direction, against the “bad guys” who get in the way of US plans for the area.

The same has happened in the US, with former soldiers from the Iraq, Vietnam and Afghanistan conflicts. Many of those coming back from the illegal wars of recent history suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD.

These were conditioned to kill, drugged up, and at times still don’t know the difference between war and reality. The fact that these wars were illegal has played no small part in damaging these soldiers, as we will all sacrifice ourselves for a cause, but not for one we don’t believe in, and know we were lied to about by the people demanding our sacrifice.

Reports of Georgian soldiers dying in the fight for Ukraine’s independence are at first impression heartwarming, at least for the naïve. But those soldiers too are part of a US-sponsored plan to get Georgia into a conflict with Russia, designed to benefit the US and NATO in their proxy war over Ukraine, and no Georgian soldier wants to see such a conflict.

The responsibility for what happened in Sagarejo lies mostly with those behind the weapons and mentally wounded soldiers being sent back to Georgia – the US Embassy. When the US gives its regular defensive tirades about all it is doing for the region, rather than addressing the actual allegations being made at a given time, this is one of the many things it conveniently leaves out.

The (Anti)-Georgian Legion Strikes Again  

Jeffrey Silverman, Bureau Chief for Veterans Today, has spent the last six months warning Georgian newspapers and [indirectly] the Georgian government, and the international community, of this possibility with his interviews.

He is quoted as saying, “I hope now the Georgian government will finally wake up to the threat and take drastic control over the situation, and question and detain potential threats as to their connections with Afghanistan, Ukraine and weapons. Many weapons from Afghanistan, Ukraine and other places are in Georgia, but are stored in various locations and should not be hard to find. Investigators should start with some USAID connected warehouses in the Zugdidi region of West Georgia, connected to a former USAID-funded hazelnut project.

“Investigators should contact former OSCE and EUMM members for details about these warehouses, as they know but are afraid to speak openly about this—as it could end some careers. These murders should be a warning, but if the Georgian Prime Minister goes to visit the families of the five who were murdered, is it possible that he will be threatened with something?”

Silverman is a former US military Forward Observer, 19D. He suggests Georgian border guards be activated in this investigation, as many in the Georgian army, especially NCOs, are active in support of the Georgian Legion, because they receive money from the US government, including off the books, for being so.

The US knows, as it demonstrates in every country it stays in, that its local recruits are not motivated by ideals but by the money the US offers. Has the Georgian Legion come home to Georgia and disrupted Georgia internally in an effort to create a nexus between war in Ukraine and removing the Georgian government. So accepting this money is treason, conducted by armed forces personnel.

There are other potential illegal groups involved in this disruption. These include Turkish terrorist group the Grey Wolves, or rogue operatives thereof, who are looking to destabilise Georgia in the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and Samchablo (South Ossetia). However, their main region of interest is Adjaria, which was reunited with Georgia during the 1877 Russian-Ottoman war.

There are few operating under the Georgian flag that can be trusted, or are skilled enough to react, if a coup is attempted by some now retired or deactivated soldiers from the Georgian Army. If Turkey assists in this, even if unofficially, it can regain what it lost in 1877, which would be entirely consistent with Erdogan’s known political position.

People such as Mamuka Mamulavili and his sister Nona, (whatever their real names are), are driven only by selfish goals in the war in Ukraine, not by any patriotism or respect for human rights. They will work to destroy Georgia for their short-term goals, as so many have done before that your average Georgian-in-the-street expects this to happen sooner or later whichever government is in charge.

There have been other weapons-related deaths in Georgia, and a history of the Georgian Army selling weapons to Chechen terrorists. The money for these came from the proceeds of a US Department Food for Peace Program. Have we forgotten that Levan Samkharauli, an expert on the case of Zurab Zhvania, the former Georgian PM who ended up dead from (officially) poison gas, was brought to Kakheti and killed by firearms?

He was killed in a lake resort, probably as part of the cover up of those responsible for the murder, in which forensic evidence disappeared and was intentionally tainted so as to hide who actually killed Zurab Zhvania. However, most people don’t want to remember that, and especially how the FBI was involved in the destruction of evidence.

Is Georgia Under a Real and Imminent Threat?

Silverman continues, “Georgia is under greater threat now than at any time since I came to live here in 1991. Education is collapsing, people are fleeing and the country is being sold off. I see this threat coming more from within than outside, as many people have stopped caring. Public health is in crisis, for most people poverty is increasing, and this creates the conditions for people to support criminals as an alternative.

“Don’t forget perceived or real threats from Ukraine – many think it didn’t send a single bullet or knife to help Georgia back in August 2008 when it attacked its own citizens. Ukraine had supplied air defence systems and electronic warfare jamming equipment, but then-president Mikhael Saakashvili made sure this was never used, and even fired the military experts who knew how to use it right before the war, to make sure Russia had air and communications superiority.

“There are many things I could tell you about what actually happened in August 2008, as this was not a war but a game in support of the US government. Look at Ukraine now, with Arestovich’s resignation and the deaths of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and his staff in the downing of a helicopter.

“There are those in Ukraine who understand the military conflict is coming to an end, and NOT in favour of Ukraine and its Western backers; there must be a negotiated settlement. Now Poland wants to mobilise Ukrainian refugees to go fight as cannon fodder. That is not going to go well, as many Ukrainians know what is going on and don’t want to die in vain.

“When the negotiations with Russia began, one Ukrainian high-ranking official who participated in them was killed. What does this mean? The hardliners are desperate, and more will die, I suspect this was not an accident. The same thing happened in Nazi Germany, when officers tried to get rid of Hitler when they understood he was crazy and the war would not end well for Germany.

“From my analysis, being paid by some to know what is happening in Georgia, there is great potential for an unstable situation developing, not only here but the region, and it is only going to get worse, politically, economically and even culturally. As for Georgia, if the government does not stop the destabilisation from within and crack down on the plotters, certain political parties, and think tanks, NGOs, etc. it will not survive.

“So far the situation is under control, but because of US staff, mostly associated with the US Embassy and military, and some Georgian Volunteers in Ukraine bad will get worse, as they need a backup base of operation in the region. Ukraine may soon be a failed state, so they will (again) turn their attention to Georgia.

“January 18 marked the 80th anniversary of the lifting of the Leningrad blockade. After 80 years, there is now more talk of German tanks being provided to Ukraine. No German tanks should ever be sent to Ukraine, and I doubt any more will be sent, as Germany does not want them destroyed or for the technology to fall into the hands of the Russians.

“Ukraine needs more than a few tanks. It needs crews to operate them, and that takes time. Ukraine does not have time. I doubt Germany is foolhardy enough to be providing additional tanks.

“Germans are what they are and will never change. The only thing they are sorry for is that they lost the war”. It should be noted that Silverman’s father fought in France and Germany and was wounded in 1945, and Silverman therefore grew up knowing about aspects of the German character, and can speak German.

Georgia and Germany were connected in World War One, when the British supported Armenia in starting a war with Georgia, providing weapons and encouragement to the Armenians to take Georgian territory and then giving it to Armenia in the peace negotiations when Georgia had won that war.

In World War Two at least 30,000 Georgians fought on the side of Germany against the West and the USSR. Fortunately, most Georgians fought against the fascists, as you would expect given Georgia’s exemplary history of protection of its ancient Jewish community, but all that was forgotten by a significant minority in exchange for cash.

The Bogey Man

Jeffrey Silverman knows former Georgian president Mikhael Saakashvili well, having once edited letters to gain financial support for him. He now describes him as a poster child, scapegoat, useful idiot and lamb to be slaughter. Saakahvili is being kept alive for the short-term gain of former sponsors who are desperate to drop him as soon as he has served his purpose. We can see that by the things being discussed now in Georgia.

For instance, current president Salome Zurabishvili has stated that she does not welcome the resumption of commercial flights to Russia or visa free travel. US Ambassador Kelly Degnan toes the same line. So, what do these people want?

Zurabishvili, with her long history as a French spy, was imposed on the electorate as a quid pro quo for not destroying the current Georgian government sooner. She is not working for the needs of Georgia, and really is an enemy of the Georgian people.

Both she and Kelly Degan are frustrated old women no longer in their prime. They show their faces by making a mess of an already complicated situation. They both need to go back whence they came!

In Georgia, the economy is developing, but in a very perverse way. There is a deep split in society, a small handful of people (such as Salome and others) are quickly getting richer and a large mass is slipping into the deepest poverty.

Many people have stopped caring about the country, seeing the hopelessness of the situation. To distract people from internal problems, the ruling elite, especially the UNM and some in the Georgian Dream, are looking for an external enemy.

The ex-serviceman sacrificed for the agenda caused a huge tragedy in the Eastern Georgian town of Sagarejo. Just imagine what the rest of the paid killers will do when they return from Ukraine!

Henry Kamens, columnist, expert on Central Asia and Caucasus, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

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