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Notes on internal politics in South Korea. Part one: how things are going with the Democrats

After South Korea’s parliamentary elections, held six months ago, both the Democrats and the Conservatives “strengthened their ranks” and, still led by their former leaders, began a new round of parliamentary confrontation. Let us begin with the opposition. On August…
Konstantin Asmolov

The US is directly complicit in Israel’s crimes in Gaza

As time passes, unrelentingly, Israel’s crimes in the Gaza Strip are multiplying, with the apparent help and support of the “democratic” US. The latest figures show that the IDF has killed more than 41,000 Palestinian civilians with American weapons, and…
Viktor Mikhin

Southeast Asian countries at EEF 2024: expanding partnership

The forum turned out to have a very rich programme, gathered participants from many countries friendly to Russia, including Southeast Asia, and once again demonstrated that the turn of the main vector of Russia’s international relations to the East is…
Ksenia Muratshina