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The American Surveillance State – When Will Big Brother Fall?

Definitions: “impunity, noun, the exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.” In 2013, Edward Snowden leaked information from the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) about massive surveillance being carried out on individuals, companies, and governments on a global scale. Snowden released to the media millions of documents and kept essential files to prove his allegations that U.S. agencies, especially the NSA, operate with impunity, spying on anyone in the agency’s sights. Even though Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing unveiled heinous operations by the NSA in close cooperation with three…

Phil Butler

The decline of America is becoming an accepted fact

On July 5 of this year, the New York Times published an article titled “America Lives on Borrowed Money.” It states that borrowing is expensive. A rising portion of federal earnings, money that could be utilized to help the American people, is returned to investors who buy government bonds in the form of interest payments. Instead of collecting taxes from the rich, the government pays the rich to borrow their money.

Veniamin Popov

The Short but Nasty Truth About Biden’s Bluff in Ukraine

The American’s aren’t coming, they won’t be ‘on the ground’ nor in the air nor on the seas.  There is no combat environment for the US against a grade one power.  Let me tell you why. America is all about bluff.  Stealth planes, nukes when that threat doesn’t work, or they will unleash ISIS (is banned in Russia) or al-Qaeda (is banned in Russia) or one of a dozen terror groups like the MEK that the CIA keeps in its quiver. Then there are false flags, usually school shootings, normally domestic or faked chemical attacks in partnership with Israel, certain groups in Georgia at the National Reference Lab, where biological and chemical weapons are produced…

Gordon Duff