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Not a Good Year for Armenians, NK and the World: USAID* arriving so Armenians can sleep well tonight!

All in all, 2023 will not go down as a good year for Armenia. Those who can immigrate to the US or Europe will leave any way possible. I have met a few here already, and they were smart to get out early. Now the short-term emphasis from the West, besides finger pointing and trying to frame Russia for the mess,  will be on the provision of humanitarian assistance for those relocating from Nagorno-Karabakh in the face of the threat of massive ethnic cleansing…

Henry Kamens

International complications following the murder of a Sikh community leader in Canada

In the second half of September, a relatively minor – at least in terms of international developments – and seemingly already forgotten incident which occurred three months ago in Canada rather unexpectedly took on global political significance. However, it had already cast a certain shadow on Canada’s relations with India. We are talking about the murder of a Sikh community leader in Surrey, British Columbia, which was committed on June 18 by two as-yet unknown persons in the parking lot in front of the local Sikh temple. Representatives of the Sikh community, consisting mostly of immigrants…

Vladimir Terehov
On Kim Jong-un’s visit to Russia

On Kim Jong-un’s visit to Russia, part two: the visit that didn’t happen

Rumors about the visit of the DPRK president of the State Affairs to the Russian Federation had been circulating before the announced visit, but in the author’s opinion, there is no correlation between these rumors and what happened afterwards. On September 4, the New York Times, citing unnamed “American and allied officials”, reported that Kim Jong-un may soon travel to Russia to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss a possible arms deal. North Korea is seeking advanced technology…

Konstantin Asmolov