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Are they martyrs or spies?

The Ministry of Reunification declared on November 2, 2023 that it chose to identify family members of South Korean nationals who had been detained in North Korea for a prolonged amount of time as Pyongyang abduction victims. Four family members living in the ROK will receive benefits ranging from 15 million to 20 million won ($11,000 to $15,000) per family. “For a substantial solution to the issue of detainees, abductees and prisoners of war (in North Korea), the government will cooperate with civic groups to continue to draw attention at home and abroad…

Konstantin Asmolov

Javier Milei: The Media-Propelled Enigma Who Could Alter Argentina's Political Landscape

Argentina, a country of 46 million people, is heading to the polls in a presidential election that could potentially reshape the country’s political landscape. The leading candidate in this high-stakes race is Congressman Javier Milei, a 52-year-old libertarian economist who has sent shockwaves through Argentina’s political establishment with his promises of radical change…

Taut Bataut

The conflict in the Gaza Strip and its geopolitical implications

The fighting between Israel and Palestine is now in full swing and will continue for some time to come. But despite the uncertainty of the finale, the consequences both regionally and globally are already visible now, and it can be said that the world will no longer be what it was before. One of the most obvious and clear facts may be the further sharp decline of American hegemony in the region and the world. Against the backdrop of the latest events in Gaza, the US has fully demonstrated its complete inability to play the role of hegemon, which will further widen the gulf between the US and the rest of the world…

Viktor Mikhin