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Who is Obstructing the Syrian Settlement?

The Syrian issue has recently been increasingly highlighted in global media reports, indicating that the Middle Eastern Arab state is unfortunately becoming more and more a battleground for many countries, especially through the fault of the US, Israel and Turkey. Thus, against the backdrop of increasing energy shortages in the West, the Syrian...

Valery Kulikov

Nancy Pelosi and Wendy Sherman’s Tour of the Indo-Pacific Region

The latest trip abroad by Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the lower house of the US Parliament, was commented on by the world media mainly for its most scandalous part which (expectedly) was a visit to Taiwan by a third person in the US government hierarchy. The author’s view regarding the significance of this part is that the increasing...

Vladimir Terehov

The Authority of the British Monarchy in Australia Continues to Fall

On August 2, 2022, a scandal occurred in the Senate of Australia – the upper house of parliament. One of its members, a representative of the Green Party Lidia Thorpe during her taking the oath of office as a senator called the British Queen Elizabeth II, who is the formal head of Australia, a colonizer. President of the Senate Sue...

Petr Konovalov