26.10.2023 Author: Henry Kamens

Coup Plots and Pending Presidential Impeachment: USAID* Makes the Quiet American in Georgia Nosy and Paranoid!

Coup Plots and Pending Presidential Impeachment: USAID Makes the Quiet American in Georgia Nosy and Paranoid!

One of the first things you learn when you go outside into the world as a specialist of International Development, especially if you are from the US, is that the proposed changes to be made by the recipients of US “assistance” are “Not for the Good,” and USAID* has little or nothing to do with “Good Change”, as development is defined by the experts (Robert Chambers) and most developmental agencies are Really up to No Good! 

The case study of Georgia since the collapse of the USSR would make a great script for a follow-up to Graham Green’s “Quiet American”, which is a novel written by a British author. However, what is unfolding in Georgia is REAL and with so many side plots.

Green’s novel was set in Vietnam during the early 1950s, where development staff from the US Embassy had a hidden agenda at play as it worked to move the country into America’s orbit, and were willing to do anything to achieve that aim—come hell or high water.

And in spite of their claimed good intentions, all their concerted efforts, so-called assistance, and false flags, etc., had little to do with helping the locals or the French who were already on the ground dealing with the situation and who were on their way out, making way for the Americans, who thought they knew best.

The character of Alden Pyle, the “Quiet American,” highlights the hidden agenda of foreign assistance with ulterior motives as a solution to Vietnam’s problems, which in reality conceals his actual involvement in covert CIA operations. This literature is especially fitting for describing what is now happening in Georgia.

Headlines Tell All

As reported by Georgian State TV, Public TV, it is a Dark day in US aid history to Georgia; Speaker of the Parliament raises concerns over USAID*-funded training by NGOs which has other motives, and which means régime change, AKA a violent coup, of a government that has refused to be America’s lapdog in the Caucasus and would rather stick to its mandate from the people and to uphold democratic principles.

In the wake of the massive exodus of Armenians from Nagorno Karabakh, Georgia is the next country that is needed to be fully in America’s camp. Ukraine appears to be a doomed project from the get-go, and this may be the last forward operating base for US hegemony in the region. That is why the US is willing to violate Georgia’s sovereignty and the human rights of its people in achieving its objectives.

As Georgian political leaders are asking, “USAID* should explain why the money of the American is being used to plan revolutionary processes, train individuals to conduct riots, and incite overall violence in Georgia?”

Shalva Papuashvili, the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, noted in response to the SSG’s (State Investigative Services), based on sharing some [rather incriminating] evidence from a secret probe into the activities of CANVAS representatives who had  recently arrived in Georgia to deliver youth training in methods of overthrowing a government.

“This is a dark day in the history of American aid to Georgia. It seems the money of the American people is being used here to plan revolutionary processes, train people to riot deliberately and provoke violence. It is regrettable,” remarked Shalva Papuashvili.

He urged the United States Agency for International Development (USAID*) to clarify why its funds are [seemingly] directed toward activities that raise serious concerns. He described previous instances where USAID’s involvement was controversial, including an alleged failure to clarify the results of parallel counting conducted by the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) during various Georgian elections.

“It is important that the shadow that came to American aid to Georgia be explained. USAID* representatives did not explain to this day why they hid from the Georgian people that the results of the parallel counting were faked. Now, they should explain why the American people’s money is directed to another country to inspire riots, train groups planning riots, and provoking violence.”

Tip of the Iceberg

The plot is coming to a boiling point with the arrival of foreign trainers, purportedly to give training in how to improve arts and culture.  A secret investigation by Georgian State Security reveals that many from USAID* are putting in overtime in trying to bring about a revolution.  To add insult to injury for Georgians, these provokers arrived from Serbia, and it does not take much a turn of a shovel to know what happened there with the help of USAID*, State Department and Soros Foundation Money.

On September 25, a forward team of Serbs: Sinisa Sikman, Jelena Stojsic, and Slobodan Djinovic arrived in Georgia at the invitation of the East-West Management Institute under the auspices of USAID* program. They are associated with the revolutionary events in Georgia in 2003, the Rose Revolution,  and they were also connected with similar processes in Serbia, Ukraine, and other countries in different years, as the Georgian State Security Service announced during a recent  briefing.

They represent the management of the CANVAS organization, and Sinisa Sikman and Slobodan Djinovic are former members of the Otpor organization, an analogue of the Georgian organization Kmara, in Serbia.

The organization CANVAS, whose core is the Otpor organization, which is closely connected with the National Endowment for Democracy (NED*) and the CIA.  These so-called trainers are affiliated with CANVAS – Center for Applied Non-Violent Actions and Strategies. As informed by SSG, on September 26-29, CANVAS-Georgia and the East-West Management Institute organized a USAID-funded conference.

USAID* proud to cooperate with CANVAS

“CANVAS training was focused on the assistance of artisans and culture sector representatives for protection of the sector’s independence,” said Lisa Kovack, Acting Director of USAID Georgia’s Office of Democracy, Rights and Governance.

She said the USAID* is proud to cooperate with CANVAS. However, either she is clueless or lying through her teeth, perhaps both.

Information about various planned coup plots have been known for some time, based on initial reports on Russian and Georgian TV, back in February, based on the work of Jeffrey Silverman, an American investigative journalist, Bureau Chief for US Military Journal Veterans Today, who warned of other methods being considered for a revolution, some involving the notorious CIA funded Georgian Legion* and paid killers.

It is alleged, based on desk research; that many of these organizations have practical experience in participating in revolutionary processes in foreign countries, and share the same symbols and methods. They have a competitive advantage in teaching youth leaders how to organize violent protests. The most recently exposed plot is one to prepare youth groups for the revolutionary scenario that is planned for October-December of this year.

The supposed justification for the arrival of the above-mentioned persons in Georgia was to conduct training for groups working in the field of culture on the issues of “strategic non-violent struggle”.

However, the investigation established that their visit had a broader and more sinister purpose, one not for cultural training. Instead, it aimed at establishing communication networks and conducting training with young people and influential non-governmental organizations. They had hoped that Georgian youth would become the core of destructive and illegal actions planned in Georgia later this year, claims the government.

Between the periods of September 26-29, 2023, at the Ibis Hotel in Tbilisi, the training of representatives from non-governmental organizations and civil activists took place.

  • The training covered various aspects, including how to act against target groups such as the government, the Orthodox Church, the State Security Service, and other governmental agencies.
  • The youth members were instructed on how to create pickets and artificial traffic jams, setting up tents in front of administrative buildings, generating tension in power structures, and responding violently to legal demands from Government and Law Enforcement to disband.
  • Trainees were instructed in how to handle the expected arrests, methods of resisting during such times, and educated on ways to fund rally participants.
  • And how to go about invading the parliament building, disrupting broadcasting stations, seizing power, and overthrowing the legally elected government of Georgia were also part of the overall program.
  • The training included a comparative analysis of various revolutionary processes, including a dramatic example from Serbia, which was originally managed by NED* and the CIA.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

On September 29, 2023, investigators of the State Security Service of Georgia (SSG) interrogated Sinisa Sikman, Jelena Stojsic, and Slobodan Djinovic in the presence of lawyers and translators, during which they tried to disguise the REAL reason for their visit to Georgia so to avoid criminal liability.

  • It should be noted that their testimonies contradict the evidence obtained by the investigation and are contradictory in some details, the governmental statement reads.
  • According to the SSG, on September 30, 2023, Sinisa Sikman, Jelena Stojsic, and Slobodan Djinovic were escorted to the airport and allowed to leave Georgia for Belgrade.
  • It is clear that a coup plot has been foiled, however, whether will this be the last one is open to debate.

The SSG says that it is sharing part of the evidence obtained through a secret investigation against those persons, conducted based on a judge’s ruling, and the prosecutor declassified this information due to the increasing public interest in the case.

NGOs Rotten to the Core

“Currently, an active investigation and operative-search measures are underway to prevent such crimes against the state,” the press release added.

It is worth-mentioning, according to those close to the investigation, a certain, Fady Asly, a wannabe Non-Official Contact (NOK) with the US Embassy, having dual US-Georgian citizenship, who of Middle Eastern descent, is alleged to be caught up in the scheme as well.

He is also closely tied with both the American and International Chambers of Commerce and “screams foul” every time the government exercises it authority over corruption and tries to enforce legal norms.

Although not officially  mentioned, the pending impeachment of the current Georgian president, Salome Zurabishvili,  is thought to be directly link to this latest plot, especially in light of  her many trips to Europe for unofficial, unsanctioned negotiations with foreign government, adversary intelligence services, and her known connection to some of the key coup plotters in Georgia and the EU.

Naturally, USAID* and the US State Department deny all accusations, and consider the actions of the Georgian government to be part of a Russian managed propaganda campaign.

“The allegations against one of our assistance projects are false and are – fundamentally mischaracterize the goals of our assistance to Georgia. As always, our assistance is transparent. And we will continue to support Georgian organizations that work to secure fundamental rights provided by the Georgian constitution and Georgia’s international commitments and obligations.”

These allegations are factually supported, and they are NOT just a diversion from the REAL problems facing Georgia, and any claims that the GOG it is using the “Good Work” of the US Government and its hardworking and honest NGOs as a device of subterfuge is without merit.

There are certainly factions that are hungry for all the different flavors of Apocalypse right now.

Such a massive variety of chickens coming home to roost. I imagine the last days of the French monarchy were much like this.

*-is banned in Russia


Henry Kamens, columnist, expert on Central Asia and Caucasus, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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