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Phil Butler

Sheikh Nimr: Martyr of World War III

Saudi Arabia is in dire trouble today as the outcry over recent executions mounts. The execution of Shia Sheikh Nimr Baqr al-Nimr in the most brutal day of executions in the country in three decades has now sparked violence across the region. If Saudi Arabia is...

Phil Butler

Syria and the Final Solution: A German-Syrian Peace Declaration

I received a revelation at a strategy session the other day at our offices in Germany. Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, and Syria are still at war with the Axis powers of World War II! That’s right, refugees from the region are now streaming into...

Phil Butler

A Tale of CNN’s Jet Set Journalists Reporting from Syria

Today I find myself, as seems typical the last two years, focused on news from the conflict zones around the world. Studying Syria because of the U. N. Security Council unanimously endorsed a political roadmap , I wanted to delve into the potential of...

Phil Butler