Chem trails, they must be real. This is all that can explain the two versions of reality on a round world. What’s curious though, is how chemical brainwashing from above can be isolated West from East? How can BBC media have one “truth”, while another concrete world exists East of the Bosporus? Chem trails; this has to be the answer. Other explanations sound more like conspiracy theories. As if anybody would believe wealthy London bankers would ever buy and sell the media! No, chemical brainwashing, this has to be the answer. Or maybe mass hypnosis? Oh my, what if all the world chaos today is a London backed La Cosa Nostra?
Somewhere My Love – A British Tinted Russian Fairytale
Have you ever noticed that even a decent story about Vladimir Putin, turns negative in the end once it appears on BBC, for instance? I awoke this morning to one like that. “Putin’s winter fairy tale”, it starts out pretty nice. The BBC Magazine piece tells us what Russians really think of their president. Reporter, Steve Rosenberg tells readers of a Russian snow globe wonderland. His concept of Russia comes off in Dr. Zhivago fashion, a recounting of the adoration Vladimir Putin subjects have, for their lord and master. Yes, Rosenberg is very skilled at evoking those old familiar feelings. You know, remembrances of Czars in fur hats, Cossacks slashing the pitiful citizenry, imperial majesty stained permanently with servitude and iron fisted rule.
This is how the best journalists under the Western chem trails work. They give the sheep herd familiar pastures to graze in. BBC journalists are some of the best too, for they appear as border collies, happy frolicking protector-friends. At least this is my view, out from underneath the medications the consumerists inject on people from Warsaw to Wisconsin and beyond. Rosenberg knows better than to portray the Czar Vladimir Putin images, for he’s more experienced in Russia than most. But he also has a job, and he knows from experience the public expects, wants, even needs to hear that imperial story. After all, who loves tales of knights in shining armor more than subjects under a crown? Nobody, that’s who.
The BBC Magazine author is a sly one, I’ll give him that. Interviewing the country folk outside Moscow, Rosenberg presents a rare form of condescending retelling of a people’s genuine appreciation for a great leader. With slightly veiled British superiority, the writer presents the “peasants” he so obviously pities. One, an English teacher named Ludmila Verbitskaya, she gets the “awe, isn’t she sweet” treatment. He asks her at length if she trusts Vladimir Putin, without her even knowing, grating the kind lady across a washboard of Obama-like exceptionalism. At length he grills the teacher, strikes up a Christian zealot chord, and I quote:
“We are not afraid of his mistakes,” says Ludmila. “Every man can make mistakes. But if he trusts in God, God will correct him.”
The reporter, BBC’s most experienced and watched when it comes to all things Russia, he’s absolutely gifted. I recall he was the first person ever to interview the famous oligarch Roman Abramovich. The short take on Rosenberg being, he’s had amazing access and acceptance from famous Russians. And he knows how to ride the razor blade to serve two masters too. Let’s face it, one has to be a Hemmingway and a Walter Cronkite to somehow crucify in a subversive way a man like Vladimir Putin, while at the same time getting the Queen Mother to smile sheepishly. I can just hear Her Majesty; “My word Charles, you simply must knight this fellow one day. Why he’s a modern day Shakespeare or another Thomas Hobbes even!” Rosenberg recently reported on how Vladimir Putin’s burning desire is to, as the reporter put it, “turn the clock back” – yet another Chem trail induced bit of Ad infinitum for the West – Putin’s new U-S-S-R.
BBC, Rosenberg, any great success story has in common a core dogma – use what works. “Is Russia’s Vladimir Putin turning back the clock,” – it tells the medicated masses what all Moo Cows in audience want to know. Yes, Vladimir Putin is really a new Czar. Of course, Russia is magic in winter, and they are to be feared like a beast too! There, satisfied? Now we’ll tell you why David Cameron has been dying to bomb two camels and a sand dune in Syria. Trust us, we give you your medication, remember now.
Hogwash. Whitewash, We Are in Awash in Brainwashing!
While it is true Vladimir Putin’s Orthodox religious beliefs factor into his popularity, this is but one aspect of a very complex relationship the man has with the Russian people. Like any leader, popularity can ebb or elevate like the tides do. In a way, Putin is not unlike Russia herself, fascinating – and correspondingly misunderstood. I’ve been doing my own Putin polling as I’ve progressed in my study of this people, this resurgence of Russophobia. Like Mr. Rosenberg, I’ve found the vast majority of folks in Russia support Putin no matter what. However, Rosenberg and BBC are trying to twist this to insinuate the “party line” – they want you and me to fear Russia. So, getting people to “think” what they are already taught to “think” – I’m suggesting people in the UK and the US are being “trained,” rather than educated as to reality.
Over the last 2 years I’ve had ample opportunity to observe Russian attitudes. I can tell you this, in every case I’ve come across there is one chord that resonates – Russians think what they want. I’ve had publishers and producers out-and-out tell me; “You don’t have to like Putin you know.” But here’s the thing, it’s pretty hard to find anyone anywhere who does not like him somehow. As for BBC hunting down farmers and school teachers who would proclaim their allegiance to the mighty Czar, Rosenberg and Co. knew what they were going to find in rural Russia. But there’s also those who do not necessarily like Putin’s policies, and still they somehow appreciate the man. And too, there are myriad opinions across demographics, geographies, and political landscapes in Russia too. The best answer I ever got to the question of Putin’s popularity came from RIA Novosti photographer friend in Sochi; “In the city you will find some people do not like Putin’s government so much. In the country though, he is beloved by all.”
I don’t know about you, but I’ll take the grass roots Russian vote any day. As far as Mr. Rosenberg’s infomercials for the Queen, let me just say the report is, what the reporter makes of it. If Czar Nicholas had had a 90% approval rating when the ruble became worthless, his family would still be ruling Russia. Putin is, in fact, more popular than a Czar, he simply does not have to turn any clocks back – he’s already branding Russia’s future. And this is not just my opinion, if not for this whole Cold War Deux mess, Russia would already be fueling Europe and others with travel, industry, and investment potential Putin already outlined in his Lisbon to Vladivastok doctrine. It is in this idea we find the cause of Syria, refugees, Ukraine, and 100 other chaotic events – Putin scared the hell out of some people. Maybe if he’d called a free trade agreement the “London to Vladivostok” initiative? I know that statement hit somebody right between the eyes. “Oh God, she uttered. Do you think anybody read that and understood Charles?”
A New La Cosa Nostra (London Mafia?)
I say we cut to the chase BBC. Britain has a constitutional monarchy, which is really a monarchy. Can we just admit this, please? In fact of the matter, it can be argued that Britain’s colonies never did really become independent. Don’t the Bank of England and the Rothschilds still exert massive influence? Is Canada really so independent? America? Why only India seems to me to be charting her own course. So what if Vladimir Putin were named Czar of all Russia? Would having a good and powerful monarch be worse, than having a mediocre bankster puppet doing the bidding of the most evil human beings who ever lived? Let’s see. On the one hand there is this Czar-King person, essentially doing what is best for his people. On the other there is this form of La Cosa Nostra going on, a new age racket where the crime bosses operate money presses and credit malls. Did you ever notice how the mafia in America just seemed to disappear? Where did they go, I wonder? Did the FBI “whack” them all? Of did Godfather character Vito Corleone’s dream come true? Is the western world some Godfather 12 futuristic legitimate business?
I guess I stretched the limits a bit far here. Or did I? The BBC won’t even send a reporter to a war zone in Donbass, for fear of finding the truth. Western media relies on the message it wants, this is crystal clear. The only difference between Steve Rosenberg and some paid off NATO troll is the skill with which the propaganda is woven. Rosenberg is a Persian rug smooth purveyor, whilst most Radio Liberty preachers are bristly indoor-outdoor carpets. Whichever one a reader or viewer chooses to lay on, he or she never feels the hardwood floor underneath. Excuse my metaphors, but I have my sense of artistic license too. As for Putin’s wonderland, not many nations are so self sufficient. And none has a leader so skilled or patient, so capable even in the face of resolute, massively funded opponents. If Putin is a Czar, or even a mob boss, the London racketeers sure seem desperate these days. Next time I’ll reveal how Sicily and the British Isles have more similarities.
Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.