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Phil Butler

The U.S. Congress Now Has the Plan: Get Everybody on Earth Killed

Lookout world, a U.S. Congress commission has determined we are all going to die. Just when you thought Armageddon was about to happen on the plains of Mageddo in the Holy Land, The Strategic Posture Commission (PDF) says America must prepare for war with Russia and China. The good news for those holding shares of U.S. defense industry stocks is that business will be excellent. As good as during the Cold War, or better if indicators are calculated correctly. With the United States some $33.6 trillion in debt, the powers that run our empire’s business and war strategies will print even more funny money now…

Phil Butler

The Ukraine Precedent - Genocide Coming to Gaza

In recent days, Israel has been under attack from Hamas, Palestinian militants, and other groups on several fronts. Sadly, hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent civilians have already been killed. And, as usual, the political forces that thrive on such conflicts wriggle and squirm to ensure their plans are successful. Many experts agree that this attack will justify the Israelis practicing genocide to erase the millions living in the Gaza open-air prison. And the people watching are convinced this, and the Western war on Russia, are the opening acts of the end of days. For Israel, it’s a prime time to go ahead and exterminate…

Phil Butler

Central Asia in a Boom Over Western Sanctions on Russia

The ever-expanding list of Western sanctions on Russia has an unexpected and less-than-desirable effect. Central Asian countries are experiencing unheard-of growth due to Russian businesses and investors moving to the region. A brief look at Tajikistan’s 7.5% GDP growth, Uzbekistan’s predicted 6.5%, Kazakhstan at 5%, followed by Kyrgyzstan with 4.6%, and the brilliant economic warfare waged by the West is a losing proposition. North Americans and Europeans are the only people being hurt by the proxy war in Ukraine and its economic facets…

Phil Butler