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Land Grab “Manifest Destiny” ‒ A Good Palestinian is a Dead Palestinian: Israeli-Zionist-US Policies in Action!

Henry Kamens, October 25

What has happened so far in Gaza, and what is likely to happen next in the region, continues unabated with the settler movement in the West Bank. However, this is nothing, basically just a small change compared to what is starting in the Northern section of Gaza and what is obviously planned for Lebanon.

A Good Palestinian is a Dead Palestinian: Israeli-Zionist-US Policies in Action!

It is clear with the recent headlines in the BBC are sugar-coating what is to come, not only in the Palestine territories, Palestine Proper, but likely a BIG part of the region.

The BBC media report further describes Israel’s policy of laying total siege to a population of hundreds of thousands of civilians as merely “controversial”, with a headline that Winston in the Ministry of Truth would be proud of:  Surrender of starve: Attack on Jabalia “hints” [emphasis added] at controversial Israel plan for northern Gaza.

Old habits are hard to break, especially for Jews who have mostly European roots and values

This headline is right from George Orwell’s novel 1984 and the Ministry of Truth which shows how the media is compliant by manipulating language to obscure the truth and promote a state-sponsored narrative.

Termination Plan in plain sight!

The motivation is clear; the ultranationalist extremists in Benjamin Netanyahu’s war cabinet want to replace Palestinians in northern Gaza with Jewish settlers and most likely in southern Lebanon too, given the recent publication by Jewish settlers of a map with proposed name changes to Hebrew ones for towns in the south of Israel’s neighbor.

What was done in the Golan Heights, occupied Syrian territory, is likely what is planned for a Greater Israel. And Israelis know they can get away with it too, as during the Trump administration, the US recognized the occupied territory as an integral part of Israel with Jerusalem as its capital, and the world sat silently by, giving a green light for new territories to be seized.

Audacious Occupation

It must be noted that “settlements can change borders.” The Golan Heights was the “the most ‘audacious’ occupation the State of Israel has ever carried out” because it was outside the borders of even the British Mandate, and was populated with hundreds of Syrian villages. The Golan Heights is, even now, internationally recognized as Syrian territory, because of the fact that it was seized by Israel during the Six-Day War in 1967.

It is like in old American Western Movies with innocent settlers, wanting to start a new life but with no intention of peaceful coexistence with the Indians who already own the land. However, Israeli settlers are anything but innocent, and have been criminal in how they are seizing land from its rightful and lawful owners.

Israeli policies toward Palestinians, particularly in Gaza and the West Bank, compares with much of what has happened to indigenous people over the centuries, forming obvious. “Historical analogies” to highlight the severity and implications of these actions, when compared with British, South African, French, Belgian, and European colonization in general.

Old habits are hard to break, especially for Jews who have mostly European roots and values.

The term “Manifest Destiny” refers to the 19th-century belief in the United States that Americans had the God given right to the entire continent; they were destined to expand across North America, at the expense of Native American populations.

This sounds only too familiar, as this analogy is used to suggest that Israel is similarly pursuing expansionist policies, as the God of the Jews gave them the right, as CNN reported on the movement.

It is simple: to displace and kill as many Palestinians and others as necessary to make way for a new wave of Jewish settlers, and even to resettle Gaza.  Naturally, all this will be made possible under the guise of security, divine intervention, and fighting Hamas and Hezbollah (terrorism).

One only has to remember the expression, “The only good Indian is a dead Indian” to understand the reality in the ground, and to watch IDF units in action, indiscriminately killing civilians is part of Israeli state policy and their rules of engagement.  Israeli policies toward Palestinians are not only harsh but intentionally dehumanizing, and based on an attitude of elimination rather than coexistence, in order to bring about massive ethnic cleansing.

The situation in Gaza is just a sample of what is to come, for Lebanon too, which has already been going on slowly in the West Bank, with no-holds barred settlers taking over homes and villages, with protection from Israeli police and the IDF, and willing do whatever it takes to achieve their goals., All this has been well-documented, with murders, burning and razing Palestinian villages to the ground an ongoing and frequent occurrence dating back to even before the Israeli war of independence.

Land Greedy

Israel’s greed for land is not limited to the occupied territories and southern Lebanon, though. Recently, the hard line finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, made an ominous announcement that “it is written that the future of Jerusalem is to expand to Damascus”, adding ominously “only Jerusalem, until Damascus”

All the while, international organizations and foreign governments are only willing to provide lip service to human rights and their “much beloved” international law.  Nonetheless, the situation in Northern Gaza and Lebanon may be even more extreme, as it is a war zone, and collateral damage is to be expected.  What we have been exposed to in the last year, with at least 40,000 Palestinians dead, and this number is likely much higher, is but be a sample of what is planned for a BIG part of Lebanon.

The results may be achieved in the shortest period of time, with the help of unlimited arms from the West, especially the United States, as Israel is actually doing the bidding of the neocons and born again Christians who see that the means justify the ends, and know that nobody, not the UN, and likely not Arab countries, are willing to stop the carriage.

Scorched Earth Policy

These actions are demonstrating a scorched earth policy, with unprecedented escalation of violence and land seizures, targeting Palestinians for displacement in order to expand Israeli settlements and settle the Palestinian Question once and for all.

The Zionist political parties understand that now is the most opportune time, i.e., the last chance, as the economic situation in Israel is getting very bad, money is being taking out of the country, and there is a reverse Exodus the comes close to the inflow of Jews in the wake of the Holocaust.

There was never a BIGGER lie than the Zionist slogan: A Land without a People for a People without a Land.

The Israeli government understands the rules of the game as winner take all, especially now with the US distracted with its upcoming presidential elections and recent environmental disasters to deal with at home. And if things are not concluded quickly, patience will be lost, and even the most staunch supporters of the Zionist State will leave Israel and its Zionist government high and dry, and let its leadership stew in their own juices, as good faith and unconditional support for its policies is being eroded by political and financial pragmatism.

BBC’s Coverage and the Ministry of Truth

The BBC’s portrayal of Israel’s actions, as is the case with the vast majority of Western News outlets, shows how they are intentionally downplaying the severity of the situation with language like “controversial” –thus whitewashing the real gravity of Israel’s plans, which involve the forced displacement of Palestinians, on the level of modern-day genocide.

Even worse, has been the frequent parroting of extreme Israeli propaganda, particularly the claims of rapes and the “babies in ovens” stories from October 7th 2023, all of which turned out to be false, and the deliberate covering up of the fact that the Israelis were enacting the “Hannibal directive” and killing their own civilians to avoid them being taken prisoner. In addition, western media suppressed stories where released Israeli hostages blamed Israel for deaths, and described being well treated by Hamas.

Harsh Realities!

In 1984, the Ministry of Truth is responsible for propaganda, rewriting history, and controlling information to maintain power. The BBC is not alone in using euphemisms “controversial”) to cover up the “harsh realities” of Israel’s military actions and expansionist aims.

If you think things are bad now, you have seen nothing yet, as a desperate government, particularly its Prime Minister, with its collapsing economy and a people internally divided, are willing to risk it all—or the Jewish State may revert to being a footnote in history.  Its greatest threat is from within, with an Exodus of an immigrant population, money and investments, (a reverse of the post-world war two Exodus from Europe) and many already have foreign passports, have already left, and the Law of the Return will be moot.

There are definite parallels between Israeli policies toward Palestinians and historical instances of settler colonialism; this shows a deliberate strategy of displacement and control, reinforced by a complicit media and an indifferent international community that is willing to hold its nose.


Henry Kamens, columnist, expert on Central Asia and Caucasus, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook

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