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China-Russia partnership will continue to deepen regardless of external factors

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov, July 25

China-Russia partnership will continue to deepen regardless of external factors

According to Chinese experts, relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation will not only maintain the stability that characterizes them, but more than that – will also continue the expected growth. This fact is not only of crucial importance for bilateral relations between Moscow and Beijing, but at the same time plays a major role at the global level – within the framework of mutual complementarity and the strengthening of the multipolar world order.

In line with the opinion of Chinese analysts, expressed in the article of Global Times – one of China’s leading international media – further progress in practical cooperation between China and Russia is expected thanks to regular and permanent high-level official exchanges and increased cooperation between different regions of the two countries.

Cooperation in Energy and Trade

In particular, First-ranked Vice Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China Ding Xuexiang will co-chair the 11th meeting of the China-Russia Investment Cooperation Committee and the 21st meeting of the China-Russia Energy Cooperation Committee, as well as will also participate in the sixth China-Russia Business Forum in the energy sphere, which is being held this week in Russia.

Furthermore, according to Chinese experts, Ding Xuexiang’s visit demonstrated that China and Russia are actively developing bilateral cooperation, regardless of external factors, and that both sides are striving to further improve the quality of their commercial exchanges, in particular by improving the commercial structure. And that beyond the energy sector, which actually plays a very important role in economic relations between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China – trade in agricultural production has also become in recent years an area of Russian exports rapid growth to China, especially after Beijing opened its market to beef and wheat produced in Russia, which certainly contributed to the cooperation development in the agri-food sphere and bilateral trade relations.

The Global Times article also points out that during the first half of this year, the trade volume between the two states reached the equivalent of 116.87 billion dollars, an increase of 1.8% compared to the last year same period. Finally, the Chinese international media recalls that the year 2023 was marked by a volume of economic and commercial exchanges between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China which reached a record historical level – the equivalent of 240.11 billion dollars, an increase of 26.3% compared to the previous year.

Cooperation perspectives

Now, about the prospects. The fact that relations at the highest level and in various areas of interaction will continue to develop today leaves no doubt. Neither in China, nor in our country, nor among the allies and strategic partners within the framework of the multipolar world order, nor among the jealous and enemies of this interaction represented by the Western planetary minority. The latter have not succeeded, despite colossal efforts, in breaking the Russia-China axis. And this today is an undeniable fact.

As for the horror stories, long promoted by Western propaganda, according to which China would end up “swallowing” the Russian economy – here too the West’s fakes have completely failed. If it were necessary in this respect to examine the structure of economic-commercial relations between the PRC and Russia – the fact of perfectly balanced commercial exchanges between the two countries is more than obvious – where each of the parties is in a favorable position. The same goes for the bilateral trade balance. Indeed, Westerners simply do not like to study statistical data or, more likely, pretend not to see obvious facts. Just like the fact that our country, Russia, according to recent data from the World Bank, has once again entered the category of high-income countries. Or the fact that at the end of 2023 – again according to World Bank data – Russia has become the fourth economic power in terms of GDP at purchasing power parity (GDP-PPP), surpassing this time Japan.

But in addition to the strategic and mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia and China – two fundamental forces of the contemporary multipolar world order – there is another extremely important point which concerns not only the bilateral relations of the two nations, but which is also of truly global importance, including for many regions of the world. Which is the complementarity that is also clearly visible, for example on the African continent.

Indeed, the planetary minority represented by Western pseudo-elites and the propaganda associated with them – has not stopped in recent years hoping that in Africa – where China is the leader in terms of economic and commercial cooperation with the continent’s states – a sort of competition and struggle for influence will take place between Moscow and Beijing. Once again – Western expectations have not materialized. Russia and China – truly complement each other in cooperation and partnership with African countries. And from now on, the Western planetary minority no longer separately mentions the Russian and Chinese “threats” against its neocolonial interests, but rather speaks of a common Sino-Russian “threat” towards the West in Africa.

This fact, perfectly understood by a very large number of inhabitants of the African continent, further contributes to the confidence that many countries in different regions of Africa have been able to acquire. Namely, that the eviction of the Western planetary minority will continue in a stable manner. And what is most interesting is that this process concerns and will concern very varied areas. Further strengthening freedom for many African states having chosen pan-African values and the multipolar world.


Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov, entrepreneur, political commentator, expert on African and Middle Eastern issues, exclusively for the internet journal «New Eastern Outlook»

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