Archives Economics - New Eastern Outlook
25.07.2024 Ksenia Muratshina

The transition to the use of national currencies in trade and economic cooperation and the rejection of the dollar’s dominance in international trade are becoming more common in the vast expanses of modern Asia. What contributed to this process, and why is de-dollarisation attractive for national economies?

25.07.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

According to Chinese experts, relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation will not only maintain the stability that characterizes them, but more than that – will also continue the expected growth. This fact is not only of crucial importance for bilateral relations between Moscow and Beijing, but at the same time plays a major role at the global level – within the framework of mutual complementarity and the strengthening of the multipolar world order.

13.07.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

Some African leaders perpetuate corruption and incompetence, while the US and Western Europe avail convenient justifications for such behavior, which hurts Africans.

12.07.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Usually geographical neighbours must find ‘common ground’. However, history shows that geography does not always bring neighbours closer together, so the capacity for both mutually beneficial partnership and rivalry remains between Russia, Turkey and Iran…

10.07.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Saudi decision not to renew the 50-year-old petrodollar system is both a symptom of the gradual erosion of the US-led and US-centred global financial order and indicates the imminent arrival of alternative systems of financial transactions in currencies other than the USD. This is, at one and the same time, both a collapse of the existing world order and the establishment of a new, alternative, multipolar world order.

02.07.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

Barely a week after the Kenyan president left the G7 convention in which he pontificated concerning democracy and championed for IMF and the World Bank to avail fair finances for Africans, Mr. Ruto has returned to face widespread protests against his fiscal budget marked by over taxation. As protests intensified, The IMF and World Bank trended on the Twitter X space on 21st June 2024 as Kenyans condemned the colonial institutions, but the president seems interested in continuing dealing with such bodies.

27.06.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The Southern Caucasus is increasingly becoming an arena for conflicting interests of global and regional players. International Transit Communications (ITCs) projects throughout the region are a consequence of the multipolar world that has emerged. However, while the prospects for gains from the implementation of the ITCs are obvious, threats of new conflicts remain…

16.06.2024 Veniamin Popov

According to “Le Monde”, Europe is becoming poorer compared to the United States. In the opinion of many political analysts, the European authorities have chosen the wrong course of development by completely submitting to Washington’s policy – by joining almost 20 thousand anti-Russian sanctions, they have not only failed to restrain the growth of the Russian economy, but have even done themselves considerable damage. This is particularly evident in the case of Germany…

05.06.2024 Bakhtiar Urusov

The clerical regime in Iran continues to consolidate power in its hands. In the face of intense external pressure and the complex situation in the Middle East, the country is preparing for early presidential elections, preparing the landscape for a future president and supreme leader…

05.06.2024 Phil Butler

The remarkable news that Italy’s Defence Minister is calling for the West to make a concerted effort to end the conflict in Ukraine may give some people hope. Guido Crosetto recently told the daily Il Messaggero that negotiation with Vladimir Putin is the only way to end the bloodshed. However, doublespeak statements from Italian politicians and business people mirror the EU’s and NATO’s rudderless single mindedness…

05.06.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The struggle for strategic natural resources in post-Soviet Central Asia is reformatting international relations in the region and triggering confrontation between the key players. Turkey is gaining new opportunities on the global stage with the launch of energy transit routes that bypass Russia. Geo-economic and geopolitical significance of natural gas transit routes…

03.06.2024 Bair Danzanov

The years 2023-2024 can confidently be called a “boom” period for the development of solar and wind energy in Kyrgyzstan. One of the word’s leading countries in terms of the share of renewable energy in its energy mix, Kyrgyzstan has recently become a haven for investments in green energy from a wide variety of nations. This all ties in with the ambition of Kyrgyzstan’s government to make the Central Asian republic self-sufficient in terms of energy and then transform into an exporter of electricity.