Archives Russia and China - New Eastern Outlook
25.07.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

According to Chinese experts, relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation will not only maintain the stability that characterizes them, but more than that – will also continue the expected growth. This fact is not only of crucial importance for bilateral relations between Moscow and Beijing, but at the same time plays a major role at the global level – within the framework of mutual complementarity and the strengthening of the multipolar world order.

02.07.2024 Simon Westwood

On June 13, 2024, Russia and China signed a historic deal by signing a contract to jointly build 4 VVER-1200 third-generation nuclear reactors. The China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) and Russia’s Rosatom (or the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom) signed the agreements. Both countries are planning to construct Xudabao Nuclear Power Plant and Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant in China. Apparently, 2 VVER-1200 will be installed in each of the power plants generating almost 4800 Mega Watts of power.

02.06.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

The return on stage of “The End of History and Last Man” by Francis Fukuyama (1992) and the questioning of “The Clash of Civilizations” by Samuel P. Huntington (1996), it is implicitly the end of the West and the emergence of the new multipolar world order. The BRICS alliance is at the heart of the transit dynamic and constitutes the engine of Multipolarism…

20.05.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

So, the President of the Russian Federation ended his two-day official visit to China on Friday, 17 May 2024, despite the buffoonery of the international arrest warrant from the ICC issued against him, everything suggests that the master of the Kremlin is certainly the master of the world. During his two-day visit to China, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, highlighted the robust strategic partnership between his country and China…

29.01.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

By repeatedly targeting the Houthis in Yemen and pushing for an escalation in the Red Sea, the US is jumping into the Middle East with a military and strategic mindset. The objective is to create space for Washington – and its global allies – to push back against the recent gains, i.e., normalization between Iran and Saudi and Arab normalization with Syria more than a decade after the start of the so-called “Arab Spring”, that Russia and China have made. A wider war in the region will, in the US calculation at least, re-politicize regional fault lines that might allow Washington…

15.01.2024 Phil Butler

Very soon, Pakistan will be forced to cease any ideas of adopting a so-called “hedging” strategy to survive and thrive in the new multipolar world. With China, Russia, and the growing BRICS contingents in focus (particularly Iran), it should be clear that critical Indo-Asian nations and a handful of smaller states will soon hop on the Russo-Chinese bandwagon. The U.S. and its allies have but one chance to remain key partners and maintain economic and geostrategic security. Acceptance of the rising multipolar world community and cementing policies…

16.10.2023 Yuliya Novitskaya

On March 15, China resumed issuing all types of visas to foreigners at its consulates around the world. Six months have passed. Does this mean that Russian tourists wishing to travel to China have been given the green light? Will the opening of the cable car between Russia and China affect the increase in tourist flow in both directions? What are the best places to visit in China in October and November? Maya Kotlyar, founder and head of the MAYEL Travel agency, one of the most cited public experts in tourism, answers these and other questions…

16.06.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

In March 2023, when China’s President Xi visited Moscow, he told his Russian counterpart that the scope of the changes taking place in today’s world is such that has not been “seen for 100 years.” The pace and the scope of these changes – which we can understand in terms of a visible shift towards a multipolar world – warrants a very calculated response. For Russia and China, otherwise seen as two so-called “revisionist” powers in Washington – the best response is to solidify their alliance against the combined assault of the forces i.e., the US-led West, resisting this change. This response was/is at the heart of what we today know as the “no limits” friendship between both states…

02.05.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh
Russia-China Response to the NATOization of the Indo-Pacific

In February, on an unusual visit to Japan, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg emphasised the need for NATO to have more “friends” in the region. The obvious justification was, as Stoltenberg explained to his audience at Keio University in Tokyo, the fact that Russia and China were “coming closer” and the direct threat this alliance poses to the US-led international order. More obviously, what Stoltenberg said exposed active US attempts to expand the scope of its rivalry with Russia and China beyond Europe to include the Asia-Pacific region. At least this is how Beijing and Russia understood it. Responding to Stoltenberg’s projection…

07.11.2022 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The start of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine was supposed to give the US a hitherto unavailable opportunity to re-unite the Western alliance under its leadership and maintain the US-dominated post-Second World War global order. While the Biden administration has got some success in forcing Europe to renew its allegiance to Washington – and drop...

07.06.2021 Vladimir Platov

In spite of the Russophobic and Sinophobic information campaign promoted by Washington in recent years, the world has a different view of the real threat to peace, naming the United States as the worst enemy. Even the populations in the western satellite states of the United States are no longer hiding their growing anti-American sentiments. Thus, according to the survey...