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Can France Survive the Mediocrity of Macron?

Phil Butler, January 28, 2025

When Emmanuel Macron came to power in 2017, he was hailed as the savior of French business and an investment genius. Today, the former Rothschild banker has all but ruined France’s economy and status in the world.

Can France Survive the Mediocrity of Macron?

Macron, who many say is nothing more than a puppet of the liberal elites, is now being thrown under the proverbial bus by the business and political forces that put him in power in the first place. Even POLITICO Europe is writing his epitaph these days. Author Giorgio Leali wrote this in October 2024:

“Thursday’s eye-watering budget adjustment — €19.4 billion in tax increases and €41.3 billion in spending cuts — is a stark sign that France’s money management has veered off the rails on Macron’s watch.”

No, thanks, France!

the French will soon be working in retail sales, selling Chinese goods to tourists visiting the Louvre

In more recent news, the arrogant bobbing head leader has managed to get France kicked out of just about every country in Africa after his jab at former French colonial nations. Now, the bankster bag boy is aiming for France’s total ousting from the old continent because of the Africans’ lack of appreciation. In a recent speech to ambassadors, Macron stabbed Sahel for not thanking the French for their military intervention in the Sahel region of Africa. It was as if France cared about any of its former colonies except for pirating resources from them.

Senegal’s Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko encapsulated Macron’s disastrous failures and lashed out at the Frenchman’s suggesting African countries needed to show gratitude towards France:

“France has neither the capacity nor the legitimacy to ensure Africa’s security and sovereignty. On the contrary, it has often contributed to destabilising certain African countries such as Libya, with disastrous consequences for the stability and security of the Sahel.”

France 24 carried the story, highlighted by Chad’s President Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno, who expressed outrage at Macron for his contemptible attitude and contemptible behaviour toward all Africans. The Chad leader also said Macoron is living “in the wrong era.”

Busted Dreams

Meanwhile, back home, the French people are reeling after learning their president has hidden the country’s massive indebtedness, which now exceeds 3.3 trillion euros. Macron’s economic recipe is characterized by a mix of tax reductions for companies and wealthy individuals combined with generous company subsidies. Meanwhile, every man, woman, and child in France owes 44,000 euros to the international central banks. Meanwhile, the fastest-growing new job categories in the country are cleaners & helpers, followed by sales workers. In the 1960s, over 20% of France’s GDP came from manufacturing. Today, that number has collapsed to equal only about 9%. To put this in perspective, the French will soon be working in retail sales, selling Chinese goods to tourists visiting the Louvre.

As the French people grow increasingly fed up with Macron, the Rothschild minion is busying himself, pissing off much of the rest of the world too. France and Germany are up in arms over Donald Trump’s suggesting America annex Greenland is a showstopper. However, growing antisemitism in the country casts a dark foreboding.

To further exacerbate Macron’s troubles, France has now confirmed its first case of the mpox virus, clade 1b variant in the country. And on the more ludicrous side, Macron is now leveling chargest against the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, for supposedly interfering in France’s elections. As if anyone would have had to interfere after Macron’s catastrophic regime. The French people are ready to beg Nationalist Marine Le Pen to take over, especially in the wake of her father’s recent death.

If ever there was a world leader more undesirable than Emmanuel Macron, he’d have to be named Tredeau or Biden. Where the French are concerned, Marie Antoinette might give Macron a run in a popularity contest. France’s savior has turned out to be a catastrophe.


Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, he’s an author of the recent bestseller “Putin’s Praetorians” and other books

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