Archives Emanuel Macron - New Eastern Outlook
18.07.2024 Seth Ferris

They did it to themselves, not just President Emmanuel Macron, but the French establishment as a whole. To add injury to insult, especially in the wake of losing colonies in Africa (and their lucrative minerals), the ruling party proved its inability to keep close to the pulse of the French people and their aversion to war, and love of fiery protests. This was especially notable after the suggestion of sending troops to Ukraine, conflict in a “Metropolitan French” region of New Caledonia, other foreign entanglements and the need to keep focus on pressing domestic issues—starting with a failed immigration policy with a slew of political and economic repercussions.

04.07.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

In the study of international relations, the annals of the history of Franco-African relations are fraught with dark memories that define the future of Franco-African cooperation. After the abolition and dismantling of colonialism, the colonial empires of England and France each maliciously designed a system for perpetuating colonial domination in Africa: Françafrique and the Commonwealth of Nations.

23.05.2024 Bakhtiar Urusov

As the social and economic problems of the Western countries increase, the populations of their overseas territories and the subordinate countries of the Global South with puppet regimes are increasingly arguing in favour of the struggle for autonomy. We may be on the threshold of a revival of the anti-colonial movement of the 1960s of the twentieth century…

04.02.2024 Anvar Azimov

French head of state Emmanuel Macron visited India the other day. He was the chief guest of the celebrations in Delhi on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Republic of India, proclaimed on 26 January 1950 with the adoption of the Constitution. Traditionally, on this significant day, large-scale military parades and colourful civilian demonstrations are held in the capital and other major cities of the country. Every year the Indian leadership invites a high guest of honour to celebrate the Republic Day. Initially it was planned that US President Joseph Biden would come to Delhi, but he, citing his busy schedule, could not come and then the Indians…

17.11.2023 Boris Kushhov

The French President Emmanuel Macron’s tour of Central Asia, who visited Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, came to an end on November 2 in Tashkent. The French president’s rhetoric this time was almost exactly the same as it had been during his summer visit to Mongolia. “This is the path for your country, which refuses to be a vassal of any powers and wants to maintain balanced relations with different countries in the interest of your people.” Such statements, with only minor variations, haunt the French president’s revolving entourage of interlocutors…

28.10.2023 Boris Kushhov

On October 10 Mongolia’s president, Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh, landed in Paris. Upon arrival, as he stepped onto the boarding ramp he was formally welcomed by the French Ambassador to Mongolia, the Mongolian Ambassador to France and the French Minister of Energy. On October 11, the Mongolian president had a meeting with the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo. Among the matters they touched on during their meeting were a number of the most pressing issues affecting Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital…

15.10.2023 Viktor Goncharov

On 26 July 2023, senior members of Niger’s presidential guard, normally tasked with protecting President Mohamed Bazoum, announced that they had ousted him from power, holding him hostage inside his official residence. Subsequently, on 28 July, General Abdourahamane Tiani, the commander of the presidential guard, declared himself the head of the military-run National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland, and the former chief of army staff, General Salifou Mody, who was dismissed by President Bazoum in March, was appointed his deputy…

05.10.2023 Viktor Mikhin

France has recently, under the very inept and unprofessional rule of its President Emmanuel Macron, lost all of its once strong position in Africa. The latest example of this has been the incredibly tense relationship between France and Morocco, with the French government and media launching an unprecedented campaign of criticism against the Arab state. And this came at a time of its national crisis, when the country’s Atlas region was significantly devastated by a magnitude 6.8 earthquake. Official Paris’s exasperated approach to these events provoked surprise and negative reactions from both former…

02.10.2023 Viktor Mikhin

Niger’s new interim government has rightly accused France of sending its troops and “a large amount of military equipment” to the region in preparation for a possible invasion to overthrow leaders that toppled the previous president, who was a puppet of Paris. Officers in Niger’s military claim that troops from the French Armed Forces have been deployed in several West African countries in preparation for a military attack on Niger’s new leadership, to be mounted in coordination with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Colonel Amadou Abdramane, spokesman for the Nigerien coup leaders and its new interim government, made the above claims in an announcement on national television…

22.08.2023 Phil Butler

Emmanuel Macron’s government has made the French nation irrelevant on the world stage. Day by day, horrendous internal and external policies transform a once irreplaceable nation and culture into nothing more than a tourist attraction and playground for elites. Early this morning, I saw a share on Facebook of the French ironclad Redoutable in dry dock. The photo from 1875 showed the sleek outline of the first warship in the world to be built in steel. The French created so many world-changing innovations in her history. Most people don’t know that cinema, as we know it, would not exist had Louis Le Prince…

17.08.2023 Vladimir Terehov

The use of the word “mosaic” in the comprehensive description of Sino-European interactions precludes an illustrative and simplistic (“explained via hand gestures”) interpretation. The phrase “remains complex” indicates that there is no current effort toward “simplification” of this statement. All of the aforementioned factors, which frequently contradict one another, remain in Europeans’ dealings with the Second World Power. These factors were validated in a number of subsequent events, which it makes…

15.03.2023 Pogos Anastasov
Франция Африка

On March 1-5, French President Macron visited a number of African countries, leaving observers with a bitter taste in their mouths.  Conceived with great fanfare as a presentation of Paris ostensibly new course aimed at “equal cooperation” with the African continent, it was remembered only for scandals, public spats with African presidents, and taunts…