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USA: divisions are deepening as elections approach

Vladimir Mashin, October 23

Tensions within the presidential campaign are growing day by day. K. Harris is accusing D. Trump of striving to become a dictator and Trump is openly calling those who oppose him enemies.

K. Harris D.Trump

The media loyal to the Democrats is full of materials depicting Trump as a threat to democracy and, consequently, to America. Republicans, in turn, use every opportunity to emphasise – how can this be put diplomatically – the limited abilities of the Democratic presidential candidate.

Depending on their orientation, many polls conducted by various centres give a slight preference to one or the other candidate. However, most observers striving for objectivity conclude that the chances of both candidates are approximately equal.

Israel’s war against the Palestinians and Lebanon has split even the Democratic Party

Newspapers loyal to the Democratic Party are trying in every possible way to present K. Harris as a ‘person close to the people’, favourably different from the ‘elderly’ D. Trump, and who is apparently well aware of the concerns of American women and minorities.

At the same time, K. Harris’ speeches and interviews are not distinguished by the special drive that is characteristic of D. Trump, for which reason the Democrats obliged former figures within the party to speak in her support. Barack Obama delivered a heartfelt speech in support of K. Harris and even 78-year-old B. Clinton was mobilised. Michelle Obama campaigned for K. Harris the other day.

It should be noted that polls on the eve of elections are rather unreliable in the U.S. In 2016, all sites were full of data that H. Clinton was far ahead of Donald Trump, however the latter won the election.

Traditionally, Americans pay more attention to economic and domestic political problems, being less concerned about foreign policy issues, especially since the U.S. does not formally wage any wars. At the same time, Israel’s war against the Palestinians and Lebanon has split even the Democratic Party; the younger generation (18-29 years old) and a significant part of the minorities, who have long been an electoral stronghold of the Democrats, openly express dissatisfaction with the White House’s approach to the war, believing that the U.S. administration is not exerting strong enough pressure on the Israeli leadership.

A fierce struggle is unfolding for the votes of Muslim Americans, of whom there are about 4.5 million, and they can have a decisive impact on the outcome of elections in a number of swing states. It is noteworthy that the Arab American Political Action Committee, which usually supports the Democrats, announced that it urges not to vote for either Democrats or Republicans, since they both blindly support Israel.

K. Harris has another unexpected but serious rival in the struggle for these groups of the electorate, namely the ‘green’ candidate Jill Stein. A Jew by nationality, she speaks from a pro-Palestinian position and calls for an end to the genocidal war in Gaza and the supply of American aid to Israel. In addition, she chose a black Muslim, Butch Ware, as her running mate in the presidential race. In the swing states, according to polls, Jill Stein is gaining the same number of votes among the Muslim population as K. Harris (and D. Trump is receiving 2.5 times less).

The U.S. press reports that preliminary voting has already begun in a number of states and from now on it is allowed to bet on the results of the presidential election. So far more bets are being placed on D. Trump, but objective observers believe that it is not worth attaching too much importance to this.

Meanwhile, D. Trump is intensifying attacks on his rival, accusing her of not being able to cope with the pressure of the presidency, because she shows that she is not capable of taking responsibility.

K. Harris took a very bold step: she gave an interview to the Republican-loyal Fox News channel, while she tried to distance herself from Joe Biden, focusing on her own approach to government.

According to Reuters, President Biden does not particularly hide his dissatisfaction with the fact that he was removed from the presidential race. He believes that he would be a more effective candidate from the Democratic Party. This is what determines his assignment of the security services to protect D. Trump as the current president.

Speaker of the House of Representatives Johnson accused Democrats of giving illegal migrants the right to vote.


Vladimir Mashin, Candidate of Historical Sciences, political observer, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook

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