Vladimir Mashin
26.07.2024 Vladimir Mashin

The massacre of Palestinians continues into its tenth month. According to the Gaza Health Ministry (GHM), the death toll has exceeded 38,000, but these figures are conservative as medics only count those admitted to hospitals. Thousands more are believed to be buried under the rubble of destroyed neighbourhoods that have yet to be rebuilt.

19.07.2024 Vladimir Mashin

The attempt to assassinate Donald Trump on July 13 divided the US even more. This ties into a broader tendency that is being seen in the entire Western world: politicians going against the mainstream, i.e. Western states using any possible means to try to preserve their fading dominance, are not only being slandered, but also face attempts to physically remove them.

07.07.2024 Vladimir Mashin

The decline of Western civilisation has been vividly demonstrated in recent days. The debate between the two US presidential candidates on 27 June caused confusion not only in America itself, but also in many European countries, and even caused panic in the US Democratic Party – it became clear that Biden’s physical and cognitive data simply did not allow him to serve another four-year term.

18.06.2024 Vladimir Mashin

On 30 May, a jury in New York found former US President Donald Trump guilty of all 34 counts in a criminal case of falsification of documents in the payment of porn star Stormy Daniels. Trump thus became the first convicted US president in American history…

13.06.2024 Vladimir Mashin

Donald Trump consistently scolds Joe Biden, and the latter practically responds in the same way – both sides do not shy away from the rudeness in their expressions. The essence of the campaign was recently described by the Washington Post newspaper, noting that “the ability of our leaders to translate the will of the people into a reasonable policy looks shaky”. Ordinary Americans do not trust the government: “Congress is historically unpopular, with more than 80% of voters disapproving of its work; for the first time in decades of polling, Americans hold more negative views of the Supreme Court and opinion polls regularly report general dissatisfaction with the choice of president”.

04.06.2024 Vladimir Mashin

The International Criminal Court (ICC) announced its intention to prosecute not only Hamas leaders, but also to issue an arrest warrant for war crimes against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Defence Minister. This caused a storm of protest in Israel, both from the authorities and from public organisations: Israel categorically refused to comply with the ICC decision, calling it shameful…

17.05.2024 Vladimir Mashin

For seven months, Israel has continued its targeted slaughter of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip – the total number of dead and wounded, including those still under the rubble of homes, is approaching 130,000. Prime Minister Netanyahu continues this slaughter with Washington’s blessing, although outwardly the Americans say that they are trying to put pressure on the Israeli authorities to somehow help the Palestinian civilians…

06.05.2024 Vladimir Mashin

Some Western European media outlets report that assessments of Washington’s foreign policy are becoming more and more negative in the Global South. And here they see, first and foremost, the hand of Moscow. Meanwhile, US actions on the war in Gaza are condemned by virtually the entire international community. For example, Indonesia said that US vetoes in the Security Council favoring Israel “betrayed the shared aspiration to build lasting peace in the Middle East.” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas stressed that in fact the US is committing aggression against the Palestinian people…

30.04.2024 Vladimir Mashin

On 18 April, the US vetoed a draft resolution prepared by Algeria proposing to grant full UN membership to the state of Palestine, effectively blocking a Security Council decision to recognise Palestine as a state. Twelve of the fifteen Council members – Slovenia, Sierra Leone, South Korea, Mozambique, Malta, Japan, Guyana, Ecuador, Algeria, as well as Russia, China and France – voted in favour of the resolution, while the UK and Switzerland abstained (Palestine has had observer status at the UN since 2012). The US representative, speaking at the meeting, argued that Palestine’s full membership in the UN “is a decision to be negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians”.

23.04.2024 Vladimir Mashin

This week, a new action movie titled Civil War was released in the USA. The film, made by the English director Alex Garland, tells the story of a government at war with breakaway states, a president delegitimized in the eyes of part of the country. Some critics argue that releasing the movie in an election year is extremely dangerous. In their view, even simply talking about a future national project can make it real, and so the movie risks becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy…

22.03.2024 Vladimir Mashin

Europeans and Americans alike are tired of the war in Ukraine. Clear-headed people in the West realise that Russia cannot be defeated: the bravura statements of some officials can hardly hide the obvious truth that the Kiev regime is doomed. More and more observers are coming to the conclusion that the American elite is waging war to “fend off the challenge to its own hegemony”. In these circumstances, the new book “Defeat of the West” by Emmanuel Todd, a well-known French political scientist and anthropologist, is attracting a lot of attention in the West. According to the historian…

25.02.2024 Vladimir Mashin

Washington’s outright support for Israeli military action in Gaza outrages the entire world: the casualties and destruction are too great. The vast majority of the world community realises that without US patronage, such actions by Tel Aviv, bordering on genocide, would not have been possible. Continued support for Israel’s security has been a cornerstone of American foreign policy for every U.S. administration since President Harry Truman. Since Israel’s founding in 1948, the United States has provided more than $130 billion in bilateral aid, currently the U.S. provides $3.3 billion…