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Archives Western Democracy - Page 7 of 17 - New Eastern Outlook

Iran shows itself as a powerful and responsible power in the Near and Middle East

The dates of 7 October 2023 and 13 April 2024 will go down in the history of the Middle East as milestones that defined a new balance of power. The myth of Israel’s military superiority and the invincibility of its army will be gone forever. The Gaza massacre, which caused enormous loss of life and destruction, effectively isolated the Netanyahu government in the international community. Only the US and a few other Western powers provided diplomatic cover for his military provocations…

Veniamin Popov

Eurasia, Africa, Middle East: everywhere the Western minority continues to be pushed back

Current events in different parts of the world once again prove the firm opposition to the policies of the Western minority, as well as to all forces nostalgic for a unipolar world order. The collective West can continue to pretend as much as it wants not to see this reality, but the facts are a delicate matter, and said processes are destined to accelerate in the near future. Whether Western elites like it or not…

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The deepening gap between the West and the Global South

We are currently witnessing a reformatting of the entire system of international relations – the most striking features of this process are the weakening of the influence of the Western powers and the strengthening of the positions of those states that used to be called developing countries. Some call this phenomenon the emergence of a truly multipolar world…

Veniamin Popov