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Russia’s Ability to Sustain its Military Amidst the Ukraine Conflict

Since the conflict in Ukraine began, Western governments and media have been propagating that Russia is falling or will collapse militarily and economically due to the conflict itself and/or sanctions. While it is true that Russia is facing an extremely harrowing time due to the sanctions, it is not collapsing at all but economically growing. With respect to Russia’s military, it was stated by so-called experts that Russia’s arms industry will not be able to sustain itself…

Taut Bataut
Lee Geun

Lee Geun gets a suspended sentence

On August 17, 2023, South Korean YouTuber and former Navy SEAL Lee Geun, 39, accused of illegally entering Ukraine in 2022 “to fight the Russian invasion,” was sentenced to a 1.5- year suspended term. This popular video blogger once gave rise to rumors that “South Korean special forces are fighting in Ukraine,” which prompted this author to clarify that the rumor was about a star of tacticool videos on YouTube, who had a group of cameramen and makeup artists accompany him as he went to war. Lee Geun spent three months in Ukraine before returning home with a knee injury on May 27, 2022. On June 10, 2022, he voluntarily appeared

Konstantin Asmolov

Not ONLY Ukraine Lacks Options, No Plan B for US Hegemony: Pouring Sand Down a Rat Hole

When a title in the Washington Post is so revealing, you can understand that the handwriting is on the wall, and that really is SO revealing, and if it is not an “I hate to tell you so but I told you so” moment, then how else can we interpret the headline “Ukraine’s inability to demonstrate decisive success on the battlefield is stoking fears that the conflict is becoming a stalemate and international support could erode?”. Has not the veneer of legitimacy not already eroded enough to lay bare the bedrock of a military conflict that never had to be, but is instead…

Henry Kamens